As a PC gamer, there are times where I see players get banned online and will try everything in their power to find out way, get revenge, or make up some loony story. One such excuse will be getting ban due to their swearing, spreading rumors about the game, talking about the negative side of the game and its staff, etc.
When a player gets banned because of those verbal reasons, that player will usually take out his "Right to free speech" card online, expecting it to work just as well when you use the excuse on US soil. The problem is, the Internet is part of the world and there is no such thing as Free Speech rights in say... China or North Korea. So why people insist of using this "Right to Free Speech" online? Is it in fact that there is really the free right to say whatever you want online?
I disagree for the following reason:
The Internet is full of pages of services. When you have to sign up for one, there is a binding agreement of the rules that will allow you to mingle with that page's services. It's like a huge a city with houses and if you want to be part of a house, you'll have to follow their rules. Break a rule, and you'll get banned from that house.
Agree or disagree?
When a player gets banned because of those verbal reasons, that player will usually take out his "Right to free speech" card online, expecting it to work just as well when you use the excuse on US soil. The problem is, the Internet is part of the world and there is no such thing as Free Speech rights in say... China or North Korea. So why people insist of using this "Right to Free Speech" online? Is it in fact that there is really the free right to say whatever you want online?
I disagree for the following reason:
The Internet is full of pages of services. When you have to sign up for one, there is a binding agreement of the rules that will allow you to mingle with that page's services. It's like a huge a city with houses and if you want to be part of a house, you'll have to follow their rules. Break a rule, and you'll get banned from that house.
Agree or disagree?