From FX6100 to PHenom X6

Ok Everyone, as you all know the 680 just come out. WHich it will bottle neck my current FX 6100....

SO i have two questions....

If i get the Phenom, which Phenom can i get that won't bottle neck just one GTX 680

What Phenom SHould i get, and if i get a Phenom X6 will i need to re install windows as....Ofcourse i had to install windows and update bios on a Phenom 955, then put FX 6100 in which was another hardware change. Can i change it out one more time without having to do a windows Repair?
Just because you don't need to swap CPUs right away...
How about keeping your FX-6100 and waiting for the complete benchmarks to roll out?

Even if do grab an early GTX 680 - you can always upgrade the CPU later, once you find out exactly how well (or how badly) your specific games are running for you.
Yea, Plus i am already running a after Market CPU cooler. Look Below!. Its A Corsair A70. So if i need to Over Clock i will. But i may just wait for benchmarks. What i want to know is wheat the lower end kepler cards are gonna do
CPU:AMD FX 6100/CPU Cooler - looked too much like the stock cooler.
OK, yeah the A70 dual fan cooler is really quite good.

Best bet for now is to sit tight and not jump till you find a good reason you REALLY need to spend some extra money.
Yea, well my current performance is a little acceptable. but the only issues i run into is when Explorer.exe comes up in my task manager just eating up like 30% of my CPU doing what?, its the architecture of my OS i understand but still. Its like i have to restart my computer every time i want to get good performance for BF3 . I looked at the Phenom 975 and its about 150$. i could sell my ASUS DCII for about 130 or 150$ on Ebay. and perhaps get a GTX 680 with easter and graduation money

Because its bottle necking my CPU....Graphics wise i should be able to run the game on Ultra maxed out with two 560 ti's. But instead at times i have to bump down the graphic settings to medium to get the same frame rate.
Yea and copy their voltages and clock speeds...

Another note. Like i said. This Bottle Necking only happens when this random Explorer.exe is running in the back ground eating up my OS> Usually its not runing but some times it just decided oh i think ill handy cap him today and kill 30% of his performance doing nothing