FS: Scramble pcb sets. 1 working 1 with issues.



Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade,rec.games.video.arcade.collecting,rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace (More info?)

The one with issues looks like it needs roms reburned. Coins up sound plays,
starts playing a level, then freezes up.
Asking 30$ shipped in the U.S.

Working one plays fine, sound works.
Asking 58$ shipped in the U.S.

Let me know if interested.

Brian Emmel
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade,rec.games.video.arcade.collecting,rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace (More info?)

In rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace Shatter Proof <shatter_proof@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
: The one with issues looks like it needs roms reburned. Coins up sound plays,
: starts playing a level, then freezes up.
: Asking 30$ shipped in the U.S.

Bad roms would show up in the rom test.

Mark Spaeth mspaeth@mtl.mit.edu
50 Vassar St., #38.265 mspaeth@mit.edu
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 452-2354 http://rgvac.978.org/~mspaeth
Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade,rec.games.video.arcade.collecting,rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace (More info?)

Just like to say a thankyou to Brian for such a quick and trouble free
transaction! Even packed it well :)

Cheers, Geoff

"Shatter Proof" <shatter_proof@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> The one with issues looks like it needs roms reburned. Coins up sound
> starts playing a level, then freezes up.
> Asking 30$ shipped in the U.S.
> Working one plays fine, sound works.
> Asking 58$ shipped in the U.S.
> Let me know if interested.
> Thanks,
> Brian Emmel