G400 1.5 Volt??? Please Help!!!



Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.matrox (More info?)

I looked on the Matrox site, and it said if trying to use a G400 in a
Newer Motherboard which requires 1.5 Volt video cards, my G400 model #
would have to have a '4A' present in order for it to work with such a

Alas, my G400 has the following number: G4+MDHA/32/OEM

No '4A' to be seen! Just curious if anyone knows for sure if I'm out
of luck? The Matrox site mentioned if the '4A' isn't included, the
card 'may not work properly.' Will I damage my G400 or Motherboard by
trying it out?

All replies appreciated...

Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.matrox (More info?)

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 19:02:50 -0700, p1763 wrote:

> I looked on the Matrox site, and it said if trying to use a G400 in a
> Newer Motherboard which requires 1.5 Volt video cards, my G400 model #
> would have to have a '4A' present in order for it to work with such a
> board.
> Alas, my G400 has the following number: G4+MDHA/32/OEM
> No '4A' to be seen! Just curious if anyone knows for sure if I'm out
> of luck? The Matrox site mentioned if the '4A' isn't included, the
> card 'may not work properly.' Will I damage my G400 or Motherboard by
> trying it out?
> All replies appreciated...
> paul
There are at least 3 different types of G400 cards:

TYPE 1) the original G400's 2x

TYPE 2) the revised G400's 2x with revised circuit board number (002 I

TYPE 3) the "full" G400 4x cards (with 4A in model number)

Now the TYPE 1 cards are detected by motherboards as 3.3volt - so the TYPE 1
card works okay in an 8IRXP (because the 8IRXP does not check the video card
type) but
the TYPE 1 cards won't work in a P4B533 (because the motherboard thinks
its 3.3volt card, but of course its not, because it will switch to 1.5volt)

The TYPE 2 cards will work in any motherboard looking for an AGP 4x 1.5v

The TYPE 3 cards will work in any motherboard looking for an AGP 4x 1.5v

Because of the auto voltage switching you can insert any Matrox G400 into
any motherboard with takes an AGP 4x 1.5v card and you will not burn it out.

If you are prepared to keep your G400's, there's supposed to be a mod you
can perform on your G400 to make it 1.5v compatible. I haven't done it but I
have read about it. You only have to bridge the R68 point on the PCB. Some
people have managed it just using a lead pencil. Other's have soldered a
copper strand from a wire into the holes with a drop of solder. I got the
info from the forums at http://www.matroxusers.com/