Gaming Graphics Charts For 2009: Updated!

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[citation][nom]jrch2k8[/nom]please add the 4850x2 im impressed that this super monster truck of board doesnt show in charts(i own one already and im impressed it takes any game i put in the highest detail/AA posible in catalyst like nothing --- i dont know how you test cards but not even crysis warhead at 4x AA can kill this card + no sttutering or slow downs never so i think is powerful enough to take a place here -- my monitor rez 1920x1200)(is a bit loud yes but nothing intolerable just put fan in auto and your doneXD)[/citation]
lol yehh and especially if they have the 3870x2 on there.
id love to see more benches with the 4850x2

oh yehh, one thing i want to know is why on newegg a 4850x2 is like $20 more than a 4890..?

wow, i wonder which one id rather have hmmmm....
Thanks so much for choosing L4D, exactly the performance number I want to know. Hope you get to the lower end cards soon.
I'm curious to know why these results are in some cases so different from what I've seen on other sites as little as 6 weeks ago. Could nVidia have updated their drivers in the past 6 weeks to create these discrepancies, or is that the settings in the games are so different between the two tests.

Take for example FarCry2 perfomance from Anandtech benchmacks dated April '09 and compare them to the benchmarks here:,1046.html

In the Tom's review the 4890 is beaten out by most of the new GTX2-- cards, including the GTX275, while in the Anandtech charts, it's barely beaten by the GTX285, and beats every other nV card in the list. Most of the other charts shake out in a similar fashion. Left4Dead at 4xAA, e.g....,1053.html

Then we go over here to XBitlabs, and we are back to seeing numbers more in line with the Tom's results for Left4Dead;

...but when we look at numbers for CoD5 and Crysis on XbitLabs, the 4890 is once again in the lead, and these two games are conspicuous by their absence from the Tom's list;

Anyone have any idea what gives here? Am I missing something? Seems like a dramatic margin of error.

Perhaps the guys at each site could get together and reconcile these differences so that we humble readers could feel a little more confident in the information being presented.

Lastly, while I've always been a fan of EVGA (in fact, I'm seriously tempted to buy a pair of GTX285s from them today...), their GTX295 HydroCopper suffers from two BIG flaws;
1. It's nearly impossible to buy (Evga doesn't even offer it on their site)
2. The half aluminum / half copper heat sink design introduces mixed metals (read: 'galvanic corrosion') to the coolant in your WC loop - making it Most Foolish Choice Ever(tm) for responsible system builders

I vote for removing the GTX295 HydroCopper from the charts until these short comings are fixed. It's like a polished turd shining proudly at the top of each benchmark.


For those looking for crossfire and SLI numbers, I would direct you to this article at XBit which compares 285s, 275s, and 4890's in various single and x-fire combinations...
I would like to see SLI and crossfire results in a seperate chart instead of having one chart for all and polluting the results.

Most gaming systems get one card anyway so having to scroll down and only view single sard scores is very hard.
Hi i have i7 processor 2600. 4 gb DDR3 Ram, Dh67bl motherboard and ATI Radeon EAH 4670 Graphics Card but still when i play assasin creed brotherhood or similar such games then i do not det free playing game. my game does not support even the moderate graphics level. What is the problem
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