Gaming, Little Design and Multitasking .. So what?


Apr 19, 2012
Hello there,

Firstly, my English isn't good so excuse me :sarcastic:

Secondly, I like AMD, and I don't know why. So I want to buy a processor from AMD. I have no experience with AMD's CPUs.
I've read that Windows 8 will use all power of FX-8150 but nobody can confirm that. But I'm optimistic.

I might build a new computer in a couple of months so I cant wait until October. I play games and desing on Adobe's products .. but I don't use 3d programs. I don't care if the differences is too small but I need something will work well for 3 years and I can change it after that 😀

So, could you help me to deal with that?

Good bye

( how is my English language? :) )

In terms of gaming, the FX-4170 performs about as well as the 8150. For multi-tasking, and design-type programs, the 8150 will pull ahead.

AS far as overclocking, those CPUs were built for it, they can be overclocked substantially, so why not?
first ill ask, do you plan on overclocking or not? If yes, save $50 and get the 8120 and use the motherboard oc feature. most boards will put it to 4.0 or higher if you don't want to mess with tweaking the system.

the 8xxx runs extremely fast on adobe photoshop. So far Im liking CS6 beta.


For games, your limit will be your video card 90% of the time. There are always a few exceptions to the rules, and I am sure you will see them soon, they can't wait to tell you how bad AMD is for games.


Ok I think I will not overclock it. I will buy 7970 or 680 if there isn't new card... so no problem with graphic card.

So now is it O.K.?

Is FX-8150 better than FX-4170 in my using?

like I said I care about desing and games and multitasking ... realy multi tasking

msn-skype-firefox-steam-battlefield3-utorrent and other normal programs

8150 for photoshop is defniately better than the 4170.

In terms of gaming, the FX-4170 performs about as well as the 8150. For multi-tasking, and design-type programs, the 8150 will pull ahead.

AS far as overclocking, those CPUs were built for it, they can be overclocked substantially, so why not?
thank you noob ..

umm I'm really confused now, I care about games and desing, but I think 8150 will be my choice.

I will listen to you and over clock it when I buy it.

but what is the best motherboard?

and are there any news about new amd processors?

Sorry about the confusion, thats the bad thing about this forum sometimes, people will show up in a thread and try to talk you out of buying something you have chosen.

I agree with noob, if you can afford it the Asus Sabertooth 990FX is a great board. As far as the news about new AMD processors, not much yet.

no problem ... so 8 cores will not hurts, I think I can abuy 990FX.

I've read opinion of someone said that when 4 cores processors had been realized they faced the same problems like FX-8150 because of programs didn't support it. So it makes me more comfortable with that :)

Thank you all ... :)

Your English is MUCH better than 90% of the American posters.