OK, can anyone summurize their gripes with Vitsa?
Eventually you will have to upgrade to Vista so just do it anyway. Just make sure, you have to go to window's web site and check to see if your computer ran run Vista.
I don't get that kind of argument. Vista has noted problems, but you should upgrade before they fix any of these problems, because you're going ot upgrade in the next 1-3 years anyways.
Currently, they have a Service Pack in the works, expected for late fall, maybe winter. Unless one is dual-booting, I don't know that I would make an all or nothing leap in Vista. It obviously has annoying bugs (for some anyways), if everything is working under XP, then I'd stick with XP as long as possible, or at least until the first SP is released. In my case, I get a MSDN subscription and so it didn't cost me anything to load up Vista, but even after 4 months of use, I still spend most of my time under XP
OK, can anyone summurize their gripes with Vitsa?
I personally don't care much for Vista. If I wanted pretty I would have bought a Mac, I run under Classic mode, as Aero just doesn't do anything for me. But that's a personal tast thing.
Gripes with Vista is also certainly going to be a personal taste and likes and dislikes. There are plenty of things, I just don't like about Vista. I understand why some of the features are there, (The UAC, new protection on folders, etc etc) I just don't like it. everything "feels" slower under Vista, Copying files from one drive to another, Simply deleting files, If you run with the UAC on, and delete a common Start Menu Shortcut, you'll get hit with 3 different prompts to confirm you really want to and to allow it to happen. Superfetch doesn't seem to offer much to someone who plays more than 1 game ata time, and with more than 1GB of ram, readyboost isn't a factor. I don't search for files very often, so the new Instant Seaarch is useless to me.
Again, it's a matter of personal taste and what you do. Vista might be the greatest things you've ever expereince, or you might hate it so much,y ou go back to XP and hold out until you can't make it any longer.