[SOLVED] Gaming PC Freezes Randomly


Sep 4, 2016
So making this as a separate thread because freezes can happen for so many reasons.

Here's what happens with mine:
  • Random freeze, the screen sometimes turns black
  • Sound on loop, keyboard lights stuck in the position they were in before the freeze
  • Needs hard restart
  • Happens with no clear logic - it happened a lot while playing Valheim, yet it never happened in my 300 hours playing Cyberpunk or RDR2. It also happened while I was just watching YouTube.
  • I've had up to 2 weeks when it did not happen but also one day it happened twice while I was in Valheim. I've also had rare crashes before, but it's gotten a bit more frequent in the last ~4 months.
  • CPU Idle is 39 C and GPU is 51 C
  • CPU while gaming is mostly in the 60 C range, sometimes 70 C (usually if there's a Windows update or a GOG update)
  • GPU while gaming is consistently around 80 C
You can review my system here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zLDrsX (ignore the cooler, I have a stock one, can't add it)

I also have a lot of random USB <Mod Edit>

My question: is there an obvious issue (such as my very stock cooler or my PSU being too small)? Crash reports are very inconclusive since every crash basically results in a hard reset. I could dig more - my first instinct is to replace my PSU. But honestly, it could be so many other things...

Most of the system is 5 years old. The CPU & Motherboard were changed 1.5 years ago before RDR2 came out for PC, plus I added 32 GB of RAM (the Corsair ones). I also recently added a 1 TB SSD.
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Make sure you are dust free, particularly the power supply.

Information about cleaning computer components, including the power supply.
View: https://youtu.be/gcUSl9K2bZs

Make sure you are dust free, particularly the power supply.

Information about cleaning computer components, including the power supply.
View: https://youtu.be/gcUSl9K2bZs

FUN FACT EVERYONE: Steam Overlay while in HDR was the reason for my horrid freeze crashes. Yay Valve! Fix your **** Valve. I disabled it and no more crashes for the past 3 weeks.