Suggest you run a program that reads cpu temps and logs them. The temp readings would come directly from the CPU, not the MB. If correctly shutting down with hot CPU then you know the fan, airflow or heatsink/paste is to blame. If sudden jump in temp then you would wonder. Aside: anyone who can disassemble a netbook knows the air intakes on the bottom of laptop/netbook are blocked when you leave the thing on a soft bed cover or under a blanket. My kids don't. So for people finding thread via google, if it only overheats in certain conditions, check the environmentals.
If the MB sensors show hot and the CPU is not then maybe the air flow to a part other than the cpu is blocked.
If you ran a CPU intense workload, timed it. let it cool, ran workload again and timed it.
Then ran graphics intense workload, timed it. let it cool. ran graphics workload again, compared only the second times, which time is shorter ?
Graphics are GMA 950 which should be a separate chip with its own heatsink somewhere on the mb.