Gearbox, Sega ''Lied'' With Aliens: CM Promo Media, Demo

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So what happened between now and the awesome walkthrough shown at E3 2011?
R=It got debabelized.



[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]Glasses made of ice sounds pretty damn cool to me. No more waste. Makes you drink faster. Slam it before it melts! I think i'm on to something.[/citation]The problem with living in the modern world is that anytime you think you've got an idea for a new invention... most of the time someone else already beat you there. See Arls post. :D

I like to savor liquor though, so the ice shot glasses aren't for me. However, that means that if I use regular ice cubes they'll melt too much and dilute it. If only there was something I could chill that didn't melt, that I could use in place of ice... like stone! Wait see above. Whiskey stones already exist. :p


[citation][nom]AzureFlash[/nom]Fat guy in a blue shirt facepalming should start asking for royalties for each use of his picture...I hope he asks for a small fortune, so you finally use something else.[/citation]Or at least superimpose him over something else... maybe put him in an X-Wing cockpit!! Now we're talking.... Kevin are you getting this??


Jun 4, 2012
Called it and caught flak for it. People never pay attention to the obvious.

You could tell there were huge problems when the game was delayed a year a week before it was scheduled to be released. Then there was the huge "We reached gold" announcement that never happens for a decent game. Anyone who believed it was going to be different was blinded by the PR.

PS Thanks Tom's for erasing comments when you're not logged in and then log in


Apr 27, 2008
[citation][nom]alextheblue[/nom]Or at least superimpose him over something else... maybe put him in an X-Wing cockpit!! Now we're talking.... Kevin are you getting this??[/citation]

Ok thumbed up, that was funny...


May 24, 2009
After Daikatana we learned our lesson. Never trust any game to be of quality if its been in 5+ years of development hell until it has earned it. Duke Nukem Forever taught us to immediately get our refund back if a game has been delayed 2 or more times with each being 6-12 months more from its original release date.

I think most of us who've been around this block saw it coming and waited for the reviews.


Aug 29, 2007
Anyone remember AVP-1 PC demos? All 3 Demos had the same atmosphere processor level (each demo for playing as different species in same level). A really cool big level with many different color & lighting & texture schemes that could be played by any of the 3 species and had advantages for each, like air-ducts & tunnel shortcuts & vertical scaling for aliens ... etc.

None of the final game's levels were like this demo level. No complex design which allowed different ways for each species to navigate. Human/predator levels were just corridor mazes. Some Alien levels even had ugly low res (32x32??) textures stretched over entire walls that had me sick & disoriented!

Nothing beats AVP arcade!!


May 14, 2010
[citation][nom]bison88[/nom]After Daikatana we learned our lesson. Never trust any game to be of quality if its been in 5+ years of development hell until it has earned it. Duke Nukem Forever taught us to immediately get our refund back if a game has been delayed 2 or more times with each being 6-12 months more from its original release date.I think most of us who've been around this block saw it coming and waited for the reviews.[/citation]

Yeah PC gamers learned that lesson so fast they didn't buy millions of copies of D3. Oh wait...

I'm no Nostradamus, but I can foretell EA's raping of SimCity is going to be a lousy moneygrab as well. You can't put a game which had such appeal for mods and cheats as an online scoreboard game. Odds are it's probably already preordered millions.

There's a reason Bobby Kotick can say off the wall things and still have one of the most successful companies. IPs.


Jul 24, 2009
[citation][nom]alextheblue[/nom]The problem with living in the modern world is that anytime you think you've got an idea for a new invention... most of the time someone else already beat you there. See Arls post. I like to savor liquor though, so the ice shot glasses aren't for me. However, that means that if I use regular ice cubes they'll melt too much and dilute it. If only there was something I could chill that didn't melt, that I could use in place of ice... like stone! Wait see above. Whiskey stones already exist.[/citation]

I used to have plastic ice cubes. They came filled with some clear liquid. We had spheres and numbers, and you freeze 'em, use 'em, and rinse 'em with soap and water before they go back in the freezer to use again. Anyways, it solves the problem of ice melting and diluting your drink.


Jun 20, 2012
People, you wanna know my opinion on all this? Opinion of a truly hardcore gamer who literally played and finished EVERY Alien-themed and AvP-themed video game EVER MADE SO FAR?

I'll tell you...

So far there was only two (TWO! 2! ДВЕ! DUOS! FUTATSU!) really WORTHWHILE, TRULY GREAT games in the entire "Alien/AvP" franchise: "Alien VS. Predator" arcade Beat 'Em Up for CPS (1994) and Rebellion's "Aliens Versus Predator" for PC (1999). These are the only Xenomorph-themed games you should spend your time on, so far.


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]master_chen[/nom]People, you wanna know my opinion on all this? Opinion of a truly hardcore gamer who literally played and finished EVERY Alien-themed and AvP-themed video game EVER MADE SO FAR?I'll tell you...So far there was only two (TWO! 2! ДВЕ! DUOS! FUTATSU!) really WORTHWHILE, TRULY GREAT games in the entire "Alien/AvP" franchise: "Alien VS. Predator" arcade Beat 'Em Up for CPS (1994) and Rebellion's "Aliens Versus Predator" for PC (1999). These are the only Xenomorph-themed games you should spend your time on, so far.[/citation]

i disagree , Monolith's follow up to rebellions avp (avp 2 2000 {or was it 2001?}) any way i thought the second AVP FPSer was pretty damn good .


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]wdmfiber[/nom] [...] 20525.htmlThe above link is from a month ago (Jan.18th). Colonial Marines Goes GoldSeems many pre-ordered. Thankfully I had read a trusted review in print(the day before), that was less than steller. But I wish I had been more vocal in my post: don't buy, it's going to suck!![/citation]

you misinterpret what they mean by "goes gold"

its a development term not refering to the number of sales (though it can be that too but game ahs to sell 500,00 copies to have gold sales).

but that article was clearing refering to the development cycle
game development cycle usually follows

Conceptual stage

Production stage (usually an alpha is generated at this stage for publishers to preview)

by end of production stage , they ahve a beta produced or a public alpha in the case of MMO's

then comes testing stage

Post production stage

then there is the Gold build, meaning the game is ready to ship to stores.

i belive the tom's article in question was referring to this "gold".



Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]slabbo[/nom]this whole thing is a mess and sounds really shady. If I were to hire company X to work on a game, and then company X hires company Y to do it, instead of doing it 100% themselves, I think I would be entitled to sue the shit out of company X whom I paid to do the work. If I wanted company Y to make a game for me, I would have asked them directly.[/citation]

actually outsourcing is common practice in the industry , it's just not common practice to outsource the entire damn game like gear box did LOL. lol usually you outsource something like concept art , or motion capture recording , or olutsource audio .. but never never never ehard of some one outsourcing the entire damn single player game LOL.

PS I'm majoring in game art design and i have had a bunch of classes based off game production and buisness. I'll actually be graduating soon. so yeah just saying i know what i'm talking about. Any way yeah gear box outsoured way more than what is normally outsourced on any game .. hell they probably broke an industry record for outsourcing LOL.
By now most gamers should know NOT to buy a game before seeing it first hand after it is for sale.
I only buy a game if what i see from about 3-5 hours of gameplay (real fgameplay, not promotional gameplay) looks great.
If not, thx, but id rather keep plaing games from 1998.


Jun 20, 2012

I never said it's bad. But it's definitely worse than the first one in the means of plot and some design choices.
It has better controls (different layout for different/new actions, more comfortable controls overall) and graphics, but has much worse plot than the first one.
Basically, AvP 2 was made for one and only one purpose alone: MULTIPLAYER. This is where it SHINES GODLY! I seriously cannot recall and count how many HUNDREDS (literally) of hours I've spent in it's Multiplayer back in the days...that was some times, man...that was some times...two injured Marines, low on ammo, getting slowly cornered by eight Xenos, while two Yautjas stand near, cloaked in a hiding, watching this brutal scene unfold before their visors, readying their plasma cannons...mmmm...the times, man...
AvP 2's Multiplayer was one of the most balanced and re-playable Multiplayers I've even experienced in my life, and I tried hundreds of them....
I'll prefer AvP 2's Multiplayer to CS' or Q's any day.

P.S. "Primal Hunt" Suuuuuuuuuuucked.


May 28, 2012
[citation][nom]master_chen[/nom]These are the only Xenomorph-themed games you should spend your time on, so far.[/citation]

I think Dead Space 2 is pretty good. (I haven't tried 1 or 3)


Apr 30, 2010
[citation][nom]teaser[/nom]Shame on someone for putting ice in their beer...........[/citation]

agreed, but if you are savoring a beer then whiskey stones can help keep it cold, doesn't water anythign down or melt and you can enjoy a fine brew over time


Jun 30, 2008
Well they kinda got it wrong here. First off save your money it is not worth it, gladly a buddy of mine bought it instead of me.

However, "where the player struggles to survive in a collapsing bridge in space never happens in the campaign." IS in the game. The thing is you are not "struggling" it is for the most part a cut sequence pov. You don't do anything just watch. As for the "The Alien Queen fighting the Power Loader scene also isn't present." That is true, although you do fight a bigger type alien in a power loader, like that really makes up for the fact it was supposed to be the queen. As for the rest they pretty much got it dead on. It is not what they made it out to be. Sub Sub par for what they showed everyone. Basically the game actually felt a bit dated imo with the way they did things.

I would say Big Time fail, but because of what we were led to believe: EPIC Fail.


Jan 3, 2011



Gearbox has come a long way from the team that created a beloved whole new campaign for the original HalfLife (I can't remember the name of it).

"By knowingly deceiving its fans, Gearbox has gone from being a company worth celebrating to a developer that plays dirtier than the big publishers that we so often damn for sleazy marketing campaigns and excessive pre-order programs,"

Amen. Sleazy marketing campaigns indeed. Their remake of Duke had a ridiculous, and totally inappropriate, campaign entirely built around sleaze - knowing full well the average gamer purchasing their product would be 13 years old.

Someone has destroyed Gearbox, I think it's time to look to the top of the ladder and find out who.


First post attempt disappeared into the void, here's another one.

Marketing in the industry has gotten way out of hand. "They" know that the game will sell based on the impressions they create leading up to the release. All this money is misspent, as it should be directed instead towards.. i don't know.. Making a Good Game.

Gearbox was already boycotted for their despicable marketing surrounding the abysmal Duke remake, now they are my number one enemy (in terms of my gaming hobby anyways).

They should look to the top of the ladder at Gearbox and figure who is responsible for turning a perfectly good team into a gaggle of sleazy, underhanded misguided sheep.


Apr 25, 2006
3 years into the development, they discovered their backup system failed 2 years ago. Of course, they only discovered this because they needed the backup....
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