
Jul 3, 2008

Last week I purchased a GeForce 670 for my new build. I got the MSI brand (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127675), but I've been reading that a lot of people favor the Gigabyte brand instead (because of the better cooling for one). My card arrives tomorrow, but I'm tempted to send it back and wait until the Gigabyte card is back in stock and order that one instead. What do you guys think?


Jul 3, 2008
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll probably keep it. I just didn't know if it was a big enough difference between the two to warrant waiting for the Gigabyte to come back in stock. I may try overclocking at some point but I'm probably not going to do any major overclocking anyway.

I had read in one of the newegg reviews that the fan gave off this low pitched sound when in idle, but the other review didn't seem to have that problem, so maybe it was just a bad card.
There's no telling how long it'll take for the Gigabyte card to come back in stock. at least give your MSI card a chance. the clocks really don't matter, it's easily adjustable yourself (if you need help please feel free to ask here). if the MSI card turns out to run too loud for you with the reference fan, THEN send it back :) (and I wouldn't do it until I already have a 670 of your choice ordered and enroute so you can keep gaming)


Jul 3, 2008
Yeah I'll definitely give it a chance. Like I said earlier, I'm not planning on doing a ton of overclocking so the extra cooling of the Gigabyte may not be that big of a deal to me. Also both cards seem really powerful so I doubt there would be much of a performance difference between them. If the fan is a problem I can always send it back within the 30 days so we'll see.


Jul 3, 2008
By reference type coolers you mean the cooler in the EVGA and MSI cards? That's good to hear. Yeah it's better to give the MSI card a chance than to just send it back because one or two people like one card over the other, especially when both cards are this good.

Anyway, it may turn out that the Gigabyte card's fan is just as loud or louder than the MSI card's fan.

I agree with you that I'd prefer the hot air being exhausted out the back. but for high-end cards like these, I prefer lower temps over all else, as in I like my overall set up, CPU, north/south bridges, memory, VRM, GPU etc to have the overall lowest temps. something about having a piece of PCB sticking out of my mobo running 70-80C makes me feel uneasy, so I generally get a wind-tunnel like case, mod it with more fans or just water cool it lol


Jul 3, 2008
I've got a CoolerMaster HAF X case which seems to keep things pretty cool in general. I'll monitor the temps and fan speed on the MSI card and see how things work out. But like I said, I probably can't go wrong with either one of these cards. I had previously ordered a 7870 and I just sent that back so both of these cards should own that one pretty good!