jrstriker12 :
Just wondering, how stable is that OC on the 7950, also what type of cooling was used?
I might look into OC'ing that card, but I've never done over clocking before.
Very stable for me. I have the MSI R7950 Twin Frozr III 3GB. It's more expensive than the Sapphire Dual-X version (which I hear is just as good and capable as the MSI) but it was actually the cheapest ($309 AR + 3 games) when I got it like 6 months back or so. I always prefer MSI and Twin Frozr coolers because I have had unrivaled stability and overclocking performance compared to the other brands I've tried.
I was able to hit 1200 Mhz Core, 1700 Mhz memory overclock on my card very easily, with stock cooler settings and stock voltage, just using MSI Afterburner. This was stable in most games I played like Total War Shogun 2 and Battlefield 3 plus some other games that weren't as demanding at 1200p. When I went to play Skyrim (verrrrry heavily modified to be super demanding) I started getting the green artifact errors, what I discovered is that Skyrim didn't like a memory overclock of higher than 1525Mhz (effective 6100mhz). After I toned that down I had no problems. This was soon after I got the card, like 6 months ago which was with way older drivers, probably the early 12.x ones.
I haven't tried raising the memory speeds since (haven't had a need to) as that's the game I mostly play thats the most texture demanding and I haven't noticed much if any performance difference in Shogun 2 or Battlefield 3 or anything else. So I would focus firstmost on core clock speeds because memory isn't as important to most FPS in games.
Now my card seems to be quite well (which has been my experience with MSI) I know some other people who cannot get to 1200 Mhz / 1525Mhz at stock voltage. But you should be able to get to 1100Mhz - that's considered quite standard. If you want to raise the voltage then you should definitely be able to hit 1200 or higher. I have pushed mine up to 1300 Mhz by adding voltage, but I don't need the power so I just prefer to keep all my voltages stock on overclocks (GPU, CPU, RAM).
You really cannot go wrong with a 7950. The most important thing to remember is to choose a solid card. Right now the cheapest is $250 + 4 AAA game combo, which is the Sapphire Dual-X 7950. Another good option for reliability is the Gigabyte Windforce 7950 (this will be as quiet and cool as the Twin Frozr III or better I have heard) but the revision 2 of this card is voltage locked meaning you cannot overvolt it so you will only be able to overclock up to whatever at stock voltage (1100Mhz is considered the standard, 1200Mhz is considered to be a very good card). I have never had much of an opinion on ASUS, but their cooler and reliability is well respected. I still have to say the top rated card in my mind is the MSI R7950 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127667. I like it because it has a great cooling solution and a quiet cooling solution, it looks good, and it used a 7970 PCB which I believe helps attribute to it's overclocking power (I have seen multiple people hit 1200Mhz at stock voltage on this card and more! I just stopped at 1200Mhz because I like the even number and don't want to push for every extra 5 Mhz, etc.)
Hope this helps anyone interested in finding the best power and performance for the price. You have to be willing to overclock, but if you are than there is no option better than the 7950. For anyone who hasn't overclocked its really so simple. The MSI Afterburner program is free to download and simple to use, you simply move a few sliders to select your speed and press a button to apply the settings. Then you run a program like FurMark11 (free) to make sure your settings are okay, if they aren't the program will crash or your computer will restart. Then you lower your overclock (or increase voltage) and try again until you find something stable. It's very easy and there are plenty of guides and resources, including this sites forums.