Whats the maximum I can overclock my graphic card geforce gtx260? I am using RivaTuner when i go to driver setting ->customize-> the core clock i have 576 lshader clock 1242 and memory clock 500Mhz
The maximum is card specific. Go until you start to see artifacts or instability, and then back it off a bit to give it a bit of a margin (you don't want to ride right on the edge of stability).
yea but how would i know if the card is overheating would i hear any noises plus I have program called speedfan tells me the temperature of each fan i am using. So what would be the % ?
I usually don't recommend overclocking your video card as it has cause me the most problems in the past out of any other overclocked component. Even if you don't see artifacts, your overclock may be unstable. Get OCCT, install and run it. It will tell you what the temperature of your GTX 260 is and you can stress test the GPU and video memory to make sure that they are stable at their current speed.