Gforce2/Athlon woes



any help appreciated...scenario: my tbird system running fine with voodoo5...i uninstall v5, and install new asus v7700 gforce2 ...and now i'm getting total OS lockups ..can't run anything 3d without lockups ..tried newest asus drivers..tried nVidia detonator3
-it seems like a problem between nVidia board and AMD system co-worker even forewarned me ..sigh :frown:
thx for any/all input


Dec 31, 2007
Be sure that there are no traces of previous drivers in your system when installing a GeForce card. You should be using the standard Windows VGA drivers before installing the card.

Which chipset is on your motherboard? Is it the VIA KT133, the VIA Apollo Pro 133 (or 133a) or the AMD 750? Do you have a Slot A or Socket A processor?

If you have a VIA chipset, you may need to install the new VIA 4-in-1 drivers ... and then attempt to install the Asus card. You can get them from the VIA website.

If you decide to use NVIDIA drivers, be sure that they are the Detonator 6.31 drivers; there are other versions that are totally incompatible with a VIA chipset ... as I discovered the hard way.

You can also try adjusting the AGP aperture port size in your BIOS. Mine is at 128, and in addition, both the AGP Master 1 WS Write and Read settings enabled.

Tell me more!

... Toejam31


chipset is VIA KT133 on Asus A7V (socketA w/Tbird 850MhZ)
..yep.. already installed most current 4in1 ..i just built this system about 3 weeks ago with most current drivers & installed voodoo5 no problem ..i rec'd. Asus v7700 Gforce2 card last Tues. from -even if the card works, i'll never know because they have only a 7 day return for refund for faulty products
..i tried everything except reloading OS -unfortunately, i'm using WinMe, but when i had voodoo5 in system everything ran like a champ -even the UATA 100 HDD through the onboard Promise controller
..only thing to change was vidcard -and yeah, i dropped res all the way down to 640x480x256 60Hz and uninstalled voodoo card
-no, i fear this is something worse -3dMark 2000 would do total system lockup in benchmark/demo (screen would freeze with 1 static image & OS didn't respond to anything except hard boot)
..mebbe a bad vidcard -more likely is that Gforce2 & my Tbird Athlon system in Asus m/b with VIA KT133 are incompatible ..wonder if Tom ever tested these 2 together ..that really would've helped me avoid this sad situation :frown:


Dec 31, 2007
I am using the Asus A7V with 1GHz Athlon and Asus 7700 GeForce2 GTS card with Win2K and Detonator 3 drivers. I am not experiencing the lockups that you describe. I do have the GeForce2 3D flicker problem, but that is a seperate issue.


Try disabling agp 4x and see if your crashes stop.
it doesnt really make much of a difference anyhow


ASus mobo`s and geforce cards soemtimes do have a problem.Thow not always strangely enough. In my case i had to put down the memory clock to 75 mhz.. to get my system rock stable.....

Hey man i dont know .. i just think i do !!


I'm not sure if the problem you are facing is the same I faced, but I am using a 1Ghz Thundirbird on Asus A7V with an Asus 7700 32MB card and it used to free a bit each time I was accessing my WD 30GB ATA-100 in writing mode. It also made my game crashes and benchmark tests too. I had tried upgrading every single driver but nothing worked until I found the beta version of my BIOS (version 1.05) wich upgraded the Promise ATA-100 BIOS. You might want to try this too. The BIOS cannot be found on he Asus web site, but I think you could gat your hands on it at


Dec 31, 2007
I agree with updating your BIOS to 1005a. Go to:

The latest 4in1 is 4.25a.
Upgrade to DirectX 8.0. It works better with WinMe.
Check add/remove programs for any listings of old video card drivers and uninstall them here.
In the BIOS, try:
1. turning off fast paging
2. set video card to AGP

On the motherboard, make sure you have no cards in slot 1. NVidia cards hate to share their IRQ.

:cool: James


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