Question Gigabyte BRIX a8 5557 help!


Nov 1, 2019
I have a gigabyte BRIX a8 5557 that I took apart and noticed there was a second board in there. That’s the dedicated gpu that is used in the BRIX 8890, however the bridge connector is a dummy bridge so it can’t utilize the graphics card. If anyone knows where I can get the working bridge That would be great!

That’s a working bridge^, the non working bridge has a square cut out of the center of it.
Seems unlikely that they'd waste hardware by putting a dGPU in a system AND specially make a "dummy" bridge to disable it....

You probably have to sweet talk Gigabyte to get a working one.
Ya unfortunately they told me “it’s very old and we don’t supply parts for them anymore” so I’m hoping to find one someone took apart and is selling all the bits and pieces. As far as I can tell they “disabled” them to sell more units for cheap trying to get rid of them all they put in a dummy bridge and there’s some pins on the motherboard that aren’t jumped to tel the bios that the graphics card is disabled.