Hi. My mobo has been suffering from some strange power/boot-related issues and I could use some further advice on how to fix them. Let me chronicle it:
My machine specs:
Gigabyte Z97-HD3 Rev 2.1
GTX 1060 3GB
Kingston 2x8 GB of 1600MHz ram DDR3
Corsair VS650, bougth in late 2015
Two SSDs, four HDDs, all connected via SATA
TPLink PCI-E Wifi card
FW 400 PCI card
I'm running a fairly aggressive overclocking on this setup with the 4790K OC'd to 4.7 GHz with +2.1 Vrin, +1.3 Vcore and +1.3 Vring (the last is for some reason required for stable overclocking despite running ring ratio at stock, dunno why). i've also OC'd the memory to 1800MHz without altering timings or voltages.
So far I've tried the following things:
Now the weird thing is these problems started last September when I moved to a new apartment. I set up and stability-tested my OC about a year ago (march-may 2020) and in my previous apartment it was working rock solid. When I moved and put my computer back together for the first time the machine went into boot loop. I managed to recover by clearing the CMOS but ever since I've been suffering from these boot issues. I am also on the lookout for a replaement mobo in case I can't get this one to recover completely.
I wrote this lengthy post because googling hasn't really shown anyone suffering from these kinds of issues. And for many clearing the CMOS seemed to have done the trick. Not in my case. So does anybody have any other ideas what to troubleshoot? Thanks in advance.
- The machine occasionally "has experienced a boot failure and booted into Bios" upon rebooting the machine.
- Other times attempting to reboot the machine just shuts itself down and I have to manually press the power button again to restart it.
- Other times the reboot is "laggy"; when the machine shuts down, the fans stop spinning for 5-10 sec and then the computer starts up again.
- No 1 gets sometime paired with no 2 or 3.
- Rarely the computer goes into bootloop; it starts and shuts down immediately and continues to do so indefinitely
- Sometimes upon booting the computer gets stuck in black screen with fans spinning at full speed.
- The computer doesn't really sleep properly at all; if I put it to sleep it randomly wakes up on its own.
My machine specs:
Gigabyte Z97-HD3 Rev 2.1
GTX 1060 3GB
Kingston 2x8 GB of 1600MHz ram DDR3
Corsair VS650, bougth in late 2015
Two SSDs, four HDDs, all connected via SATA
TPLink PCI-E Wifi card
FW 400 PCI card
I'm running a fairly aggressive overclocking on this setup with the 4790K OC'd to 4.7 GHz with +2.1 Vrin, +1.3 Vcore and +1.3 Vring (the last is for some reason required for stable overclocking despite running ring ratio at stock, dunno why). i've also OC'd the memory to 1800MHz without altering timings or voltages.
So far I've tried the following things:
- Resetted the CMOS. Sometimes if I can get the machine to boot I have to rely on resetting the CMOS. This has become common enough I wired my reset button into clearing CMOS for easy access.
- Updated BIOS from F9 to F10c. Didn't change a thing.
- Removed a ram stick. Sometimes if the machine won't recover even after using clear CMOS, taking out one of the ram sticks (doesn't matter which one) may get the machine to boot. I've run Memtest and according to it both sticks are fine. I've also tried different ram slots; no difference.
- Disassembled and reassembled the entire machine once.
- Opened up and examined the PSU for bulging capacitors; usually if an electrical machine struggles to power on one possible culprit are busted PSU caps which are fairly easy to replace. My PSU doesn't show signs of busted caps.
Now the weird thing is these problems started last September when I moved to a new apartment. I set up and stability-tested my OC about a year ago (march-may 2020) and in my previous apartment it was working rock solid. When I moved and put my computer back together for the first time the machine went into boot loop. I managed to recover by clearing the CMOS but ever since I've been suffering from these boot issues. I am also on the lookout for a replaement mobo in case I can't get this one to recover completely.
I wrote this lengthy post because googling hasn't really shown anyone suffering from these kinds of issues. And for many clearing the CMOS seemed to have done the trick. Not in my case. So does anybody have any other ideas what to troubleshoot? Thanks in advance.

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