Glory Device...


Apr 15, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I'm playing the Stormers, I had a Glory capable ship with glory device
active, sent it to a honourable death and the bastards turned up in the vcr
and took a shilaking from a solarian fleet of fighters....

My understanding is that Stormer Glory Ships can
1 - fly to the way/intercept point
2 - detonate prior to vcr

Is there currently a problem with Glory Devices?

Glory Device: Explodes the ship doing damage to all ships in the area. Flip
the switch on and the ship will explode after movement is over. **Stormer
ships can not be attacked before it explodes.** All other races using a
Glory Device can be attacked. A ship with 50kt hull mass would take double
damage. A ship with a 200kt hull mass would take half damage. All your own
ships will take 25% of normal damage. The glory device explodes after
Archived from groups: (More info?)

they actually detonate after combat,,, so it is actually combat immune
if the glory device is On

Perhaps the glory ship device was off?
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ASAIK Fighters can attack Stormer ships with "Glory Device" on.


"Icon" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I'm playing the Stormers, I had a Glory capable ship with glory device
> active, sent it to a honourable death and the bastards turned up in the
> vcr and took a shilaking from a solarian fleet of fighters....
> :-(
> My understanding is that Stormer Glory Ships can
> 1 - fly to the way/intercept point
> 2 - detonate prior to vcr
> Is there currently a problem with Glory Devices?
> excerpt....
> Glory Device: Explodes the ship doing damage to all ships in the area.
> Flip the switch on and the ship will explode after movement is over.
> **Stormer ships can not be attacked before it explodes.** All other races
> using a Glory Device can be attacked. A ship with 50kt hull mass would
> take double damage. A ship with a 200kt hull mass would take half damage.
> All your own ships will take 25% of normal damage. The glory device
> explodes after movement.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Sebastian wrote:
> ASAIK Fighters can attack Stormer ships with "Glory Device" on.
> Greetings
> Sebastian

AFAIR that was in older times, but then changed that the GD ships with
GD ON where imune to combat. Have that tested several times, buy stoping
enemy Nefarious and using own Nefarious.
Maybe there where changes in the last hosts I'm not aware or there is
now a bug in the host.

Bye-Bye JoSch.