Hey everyone! Looking for a little advice here. Seems my processor and motherboard have <Mod Edit> the bed and are in need of replacing. Sadly i don’t have a whole lot of funds and I’m wondering what the most economically friendly processor/motherboard is to pair alongside a 1080ti without bottlencking. Ny previous processor was an i76700k and i haven’t really payed much attention to the advancements in CPUs. I’ll attach a link to the other comment so of my build here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8nYmsk
I also have to replace my power supply but that shouldn’t have a compatibility issue. Really it just has to be compatible with the ram/cooler/ and case. Thanks for any suggestions!
I also have to replace my power supply but that shouldn’t have a compatibility issue. Really it just has to be compatible with the ram/cooler/ and case. Thanks for any suggestions!
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