good treasure runs?



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i only play single player or tcp/ip games with friends / associates.
as such, i'm curious... what are some good treasure runs to go on?
because my characters have (usually) finished the quests, doing them
again or fighting just the bosses really doesn't get me the treasure
which is dropped from the boss the first time it's killed.

right now, i'm toting around a level 86 bowazon in hell level. she
has a few items to increase magic item finding capabilities, and i've
done a few runs at diablo and baal (nightmare level). the first time,
i got some rather low level yellows, plus one uniqe and one set item.
second time around, set at players 8, i got nothing but blues and

i'm mainly treasure hunting for uniques and set items. uniques tend
to be hit and miss, usually a few hours will result in several that i
already have and one or two that are new, but i haven't found a new
set item for awhile. i always seem to be pulling up the same ones
over and over again. on one run around (in hell level too!) i found
two berserker axes and the berserker helmet. that would have been
great if i was a regular barbarian instead of a treasure seeking
bowazon (and didn't have the entire set to begin with!). *snort*

that being said, does anyone do trades in single player (TCP/IP)? i'm
*really* itching for the m'avina's set, and so far, it's one of the
few sets that i have *no* pieces for. i have piles of uniques and
many of the sets, including some of the elite sets (although i don't
think any of the elites are complete) if anyone wants to meet up on
tcp/ip and drop me a copy of it. :) *pretty please*?



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I have the whole set on my SP zon... and I think we may be able to go
into a Open b.nut game and trade...

and Yes, I did use a character editor to get the armor & bow... the
rest i found myself.

OR I could email you a copy of the character... she's really fun to



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Well, if you feel the need I can give you a diagram of how mine is set
up. It is very similar to her online cousin (I lost internet and
wanted to play).

Let me know and I'll check her stats and skills.

IIRC, gore riders, raven frost, cat's eye, dual leech rare ring round
out here equipment... oh yea, you'll want to socket the armor and helm
with 15%ias jewels to reach the maximum strafe speed (if you are going
for strafe).



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"RegNitto" <> wrote:

>Well, if you feel the need I can give you a diagram of how mine is set
>up. It is very similar to her online cousin (I lost internet and
>wanted to play).

sure! run them by me. i just died again. i'm miffed. lost about 30
million xp by now. *grr*

>IIRC, gore riders, raven frost, cat's eye, dual leech rare ring round
>out here equipment... oh yea, you'll want to socket the armor and helm
>with 15%ias jewels to reach the maximum strafe speed (if you are going
>for strafe).

ok, need some clarification.

what are gore riders, raven frost, cat's eye and dual leech rare ring?
(i know i can probably look it up somewhere, but i'm lazy at the
moment. getting over a flu still).

also, what's the 15% ias jewels? don't quite got the ias short form.

(and yes, concentrating on strafe)



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On 14-Mar-2005, forever darkness <spirit@cyberbeach.netSpAmBOT> wrote:

> i only play single player or tcp/ip games with friends / associates.
> as such, i'm curious... what are some good treasure runs to go on?
<snip a bunch>
> that being said, does anyone do trades in single player (TCP/IP)? i'm
> *really* itching for the m'avina's set, and so far, it's one of the
> few sets that i have *no* pieces for. i have piles of uniques and
> many of the sets, including some of the elite sets (although i don't
> think any of the elites are complete) if anyone wants to meet up on
> tcp/ip and drop me a copy of it. :) *pretty please*?
> cassandra

Are you using ATMA? There are sites out on the net that you can download
items, sets included. I had to join a msn group to get some, but that was
pretty quick and easy. Google for MiaMira, it is mostly in French but
they have an english section. Otherwise if you can not get it there, drop
another line here and if nothing else I can see if I can email you any/all
M'avinas pieces I have. (not sure offhand what I have, been playing the
CEmod lately but everything is still sitting waiting for me to come back
to the original)
Don't Panic!


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"ArtDent" <par@noyd.invalidname> wrote:

>Are you using ATMA?

had to go looking for what that meant. :D i've been playing the game
since it came out, but never really involved myself with communities
or information sites other than, so that's a new one
to me. :)

no, not using any mule tools. just hunt for items, store in cube,
when cube is full, load up a multiplayer game, drop items, bring in
various "mule" characters, and store on there. cumbersome, but it

>There are sites out on the net that you can download
>items, sets included.

well that kind of defeats the purpose of hunting don't it? :D

oh wait... i was asking for a copy of m'avinas, which kind of defeats
the point of me hunting for it too. nyuk.

i'm just frustrated and *really* itching to try that set out on my
bowazon! even if i had *one* piece, i might be satisfied that it
exists and i had a chance of getting my grubby paws on it!

>I had to join a msn group to get some, but that was
>pretty quick and easy. Google for MiaMira, it is mostly in French but
>they have an english section. Otherwise if you can not get it there, drop
>another line here and if nothing else I can see if I can email you any/all
>M'avinas pieces I have. (not sure offhand what I have, been playing the
>CEmod lately but everything is still sitting waiting for me to come back
>to the original)

thanks! i'll do the search first, then squawk if i can't find it.

and on an offside, what's the CE mod?



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On 14-Mar-2005, forever darkness <spirit@cyberbeach.netSpAmBOT> wrote:

> and on an offside, what's the CE mod?
> cassandra

Chaos Empire mod (for D2LOD) - there are a few of us here playing it
lately, you can find it at:
The left side skinny column opens up and shows all the links if/when you
hover your mouse there.
It adds a bunch of stuff, makes realm and ladder runewords work, starts at
/players 13 and goes to /players 20, and hides your stash, but gives you
almost an unlimited stash that you can share with any other character on
that computer. (there are personal and shared sections to the stash)
And a whole lot more. (love the fact that you can make runewords from
magic and/or rare items)
Don't Panic!


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ArtDent <par@noyd.invalidname> wrote:

> Chaos Empire mod (for D2LOD) - there are a few of us here playing it
> lately, you can find it at:

CE is a Windows-specific mod, I assume?
I did some AR, since they started out supporting Mac, but then they
started adding incompatible patches and I lost interest.


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On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 18:05:38 -0500, forever darkness wrote:

> "RegNitto" <> wrote:
>>Well, if you feel the need I can give you a diagram of how mine is set
>>up. It is very similar to her online cousin (I lost internet and wanted
>>to play).
> sure! run them by me. i just died again. i'm miffed. lost about 30
> million xp by now. *grr*
>>IIRC, gore riders, raven frost, cat's eye, dual leech rare ring round out
>>here equipment... oh yea, you'll want to socket the armor and helm with
>>15%ias jewels to reach the maximum strafe speed (if you are going for
> ok, need some clarification.
> what are gore riders, raven frost, cat's eye and dual leech rare ring? (i
> know i can probably look it up somewhere, but i'm lazy at the moment.
> getting over a flu still).

Gore Riders are unique exceptional boots with crushing blow and other
useful mods on them.
Cat's eye is a unique amulet.
ravenfrost is a unique ring with lots of attack rating and some dexterity
on it and the cannot be frozen mod.
dual leech means you have x% life leech and x% mana leech on the ring.

> also, what's the 15% ias jewels? don't quite got the ias short form.

ias is Increased Atteck Speed.

> (and yes, concentrating on strafe)
