Totally... I just HATE setting up my rig exactly the way I like it! Screw it, I'm gonna hand the control over to Google! But wait... can they run Crysis? 😉
Ok, seriously now. We WANT this control and complexity. And we DON'T want desktop/laptop OSs dumbed down to the same level as phone OSs.
"The key to Chrome OS is in its simplicity to the user. The data storage, applications, and even system updates are all done by Google in the cloud. In theory, this should free IT from having to deal with lost data, backups and outdated software."
So, basically, Google takes away all the fun from using a computer? How predictable. This may be suitable for business users, but then, again, for them even an outdated Celeron rig with MS Office 2003 is enough.
Only an idiot will go for the cloud when it doesn't bring any benefits. Basically they're just trying to make everyone use the Internet as much as possible. As if the fact that no software can be legally used nowadays without the Internet is not enough! OS registration, updates, software registration... now add the fact of just running an OS to that list.
Go, zombies... take off the "burden" of managing your computer - Google will do it for you! Just don't be surprised when it turns out the way Google thinks it should be done isn't really the same as yours.
Honestly, Google's becoming as bad as Apple - SUDDENLY, without any users complaining, managing your own system becomes uncool and everything should move to a cloud. If the majority of the computer users wouldn't be so uneducated, this new trend wouldn't even exist. But no, since everyone is so stupid, any company can create just about any stupid service/product, advertise it a bit, and everything will sell...
Ask that question yourself - do YOU need a cloud? Why? Are you ready to accept the fact that your data isn't yours anymore? Are you ready to let Google decide what's best for you? If not - forget about Chrome OS.