GPU pricing stagnates in its previously downtrend journey as resellers and the second-hand market attempt to safeguard their margins.
GPU Pricing Downtrend Stagnates : Read more
GPU Pricing Downtrend Stagnates : Read more
We're going to have to wait until 2022 or 2023 for gaming hardware to become readily available again at reasonable prices. Almost a year after the 30-series launch, there's still nothing out there to buy unless you take very specific steps and glue yourself to a computer or phone to track stock obsessively. Same issue plaguing the consoles too.
I was hoping the GPU and console issues would push developers into the direction of focusing on story, characters, and AI rather than graphics. Not sure how that's panning out. Doesn't look like the big AAA studios know how to focus on things other than graphics.
Every GWh that gets wasted on crypto-mining is one more GWh that needs to be produced and transported, so there is a fairly substantial environmental reason to get rid of it. Then you have all of the e-waste generated by crypto-mining, all of the additional resources gobbled up by crypto-mining instead of other things in the middle of a global chip shortage, tax evasion, ransomware, etc.Also why does anyone care what people use the GPU for and what they pay for it?
well, the new crypto is based on storage, not gpu.It would be nice if there was some down time between crypto booms but there might only be a stagnation, with desperate builders paying inflated prices while miners sell their least profitable gpus and scalpers scoop them up knowing they can sit on them when the crypto boom picks up later in the year or early next year. Something will replace ethereum when it can no longer be mined on gpus, so I expect this cycle will last for awhile.
And I say good for you and the rest of us. Noone should be buying anything at these prices, let them sit with their inventory at those exorbitant prices and wonder if they'd sell anything. F them all I say, they were so eager to inflate the prices, we need a way to punish them severely each time they do that. Hit them where it hurts the most-their wallet. Too bad there are way too many impatient kids with parents with deep pockets who will buy even at those prices and encourage those mfs. Perhaps the PC gaming industry needs to return to games that are interesting, not graphical, if more developers focused on gameplay and story instead of graphics we might see a true gaming renaissance, and perhaps the return of cheap middle tier graphics cards.At this rate I’m just not getting a new one, ever. I’ll just play legacy games and if there’s a new one I like, play at 1280x800 if supported and not worry about it.
I just given up on getting a New GPU card until at least 2023. That when, in theory, the AMD's next-generation Radeon RX 'RDNA 3' is coming out. I should start putting certain amount per month in order to afford it. I using AMD GPU 580x card. It work great and I am not into 3D or monitor using 4K, I have no desire get them in the first place plus after being BURNT by the useless now Anthen game. I brought into the hype and lost over $100 CDN. Since it completely shut down. Waste of money. thank you and have a nice day.GPU pricing stagnates in its previously downtrend journey as resellers and the second-hand market attempt to safeguard their margins.
GPU Pricing Downtrend Stagnates : Read more
Deskstops have been declining for years as are gamers who need top-of-the-line graphics. The manufacturers are driving more people out of the market with high prices leaving a smaller pool of buyers. Good luck selling a $1000 graphic card that's worth $400.GPU pricing stagnates in its previously downtrend journey as resellers and the second-hand market attempt to safeguard their margins.
GPU Pricing Downtrend Stagnates : Read more
AMD and Nvidia are perfectly fine with that: more wafers for $10 000 datacenter/HPC GPGPUs. That is their highest growth market and has nearly infinitely deep wallets.The manufacturers are driving more people out of the market with high prices leaving a smaller pool of buyers. Good luck selling a $1000 graphic card that's worth $400.