Given the fact there is a massive shortage for cards because of covid, customer demand, scalpers, and bitcoin douchebag miners why aren't retailers offering a preorder waitlist? I would gladly pay full retail price to be put on a first come first serve waitlist even if it means I have to wait six months to finally get a GTX 3080 but at least I would actually get one. Newegg has been pissing me off in particular. They are offering raffles just for the opportunity to pay full price for a card. I've suggested the idea of a waitlist on their twitter page but it's been ignored. And then seeing all of their dumb advertisements advertising cards they aren't even able to sell just pisses me off even further.
Are there any online retailers that actually let you enter a waitlist because so far the waitlists I've signed up for have never produced much of anything. Is it that hard to develop a system where customers can enter a waiting list so that we don't have to compete against bots and scalpers? Or perhaps most retailers just don't care.
Are there any online retailers that actually let you enter a waitlist because so far the waitlists I've signed up for have never produced much of anything. Is it that hard to develop a system where customers can enter a waiting list so that we don't have to compete against bots and scalpers? Or perhaps most retailers just don't care.