so I got a new gigabyte radeon rx 580 8GB yesterday and since I checked the AMD software for the first time I noticed that It was having random spikes to around 50 to 100 every 10 seconds without any games on (I only had steam and discord running) and It gets worse while gaming. I tried downloading MSI afterburner and the GPU usage kept spiking to 100%. I got the drivers from the AMD page.... Im not pretty sure what occasioning this problem, all the few games I have tested on It runs perfect without any frame drops / stutters but I'm really concerned about these spikes. I'm currently using a hdd from my old laptop (planning to buy new hdd and ssd soon) but Im not sure If that would even be the reason of my problem.
CPU USAGE AND RAM are just fine though but the amd software and msi burner keeps getting the same horrible spikes, on my taskbar the GPU usage seems normal but I dont even know....I'm not sure what could be the problem,
my specs are i7 8700
16gb ram crucial ballistix
Gigabyte rx 580 8gb
CPU USAGE AND RAM are just fine though but the amd software and msi burner keeps getting the same horrible spikes, on my taskbar the GPU usage seems normal but I dont even know....I'm not sure what could be the problem,
my specs are i7 8700
16gb ram crucial ballistix
Gigabyte rx 580 8gb