Hi guys, it's been 3 days trying to solve this problem, i have an RTX2080Ti and when i play games the Gpu can't surpass 70 degrees in games, but it runs at 100% and the fans are at 100% and very loud like 3000 RPM when i see in the task manager and in HWmonitor, i've tried a lot of things like Msi afterburner Asus GPU tweaks and NZXT Cam to try to make some modification at the temperature limit and the fans speed but its doesn't affect the GPU at all, so i'm trying to get some help from you. I've searching to reset the GPU, because i used NZXT Cam and ASUS GPU tweaks at the same time maybe this two software overwrite themselfs, i've tried to unistall these two software but it seems that nothing happenned, I've also tried Display Driver Unistaller and installed the lastest driver from Nvidia but nothing has been resolved yet. Is there some tweaks that can delete these OC profiles maybe. Thanks.

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