Question GPU usage dropping to 1% causing freezes

Jan 31, 2021
I've been having this problem for a month or two i can't remember correctly when it started, anyway i upgraded my pc in november by changing ram, cpu and mother board and after a month my psu decided to die so i had to buy a new one anyway,
I noticed that when i'm playing a game during some moments like an enemy hitting me or some kind of animations and interactions are causing my gpu usage to drop from 99% to 1% and causing a freezes that would last for 1 to 3 seconds, i've been searching for solution have read hundred of threads but couldn't find any and i'm getting tired of it. I would think it is a software issue but i'm not to sure i just hope it's not hardware since we are in a bad time to buy components.

My specs:
MOBO: ASUS TUF X570-plus
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Gaming 8G
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHz
STORAGE: 1SSD with Windows on it and 1 HDD 3T

Things i already tried:
Reinstalled Nvidia drivers using DDU
Ran a stress test with 3d Mark, no drop in 2 hours
Updated BIOS, and chipset
Did 2 Mem test using windows software, no issue detected
Downloaded HWinfo to check my drives, they are both in good health
after your upgrade. did you reinstall windows?

what the cpu/gpu temp and usage during the game?
Temperature are pretty low GPU 65 max and cpu 60

I haven't reinstalled windows after because of work but i'll do it as soon as i have time for it, btw i did an sfcscan today and it said missing files downloaded, i haven't played yet tho so i don't know if it was the problem