GPUs shipped internationally?


Does anyone know of any sites that will ship PC parts internationally? specifically, the new 7970?

I really want one of these new cards, but the prices outside of the US are becoming a joke. the US dollar is dropping like crazy, but the price in other countries is just not reflecting that. the 550USD RRP of the card would equate to about 700 NZD, yet here in NZ its selling for nearly 1100!

So i just want a place that will ship internationally. even if they charge 100 dollars postage it would be worth it...
You could always have a friend buy the card for you, and have them ship it to you, but different markets have different standards, so do this at your own risk... and the shipping is still going to cost a bunch, and the warranty may not cover you outside of the intended market.
Have you looked at and Do you know of any shop's in the UK? or are they the ones driving up the price?

Good luck on finding any left here. This morning I looked on newegg all the brand were still selling except XFX they were sold out. This afternoon all of them were sold out. If I see any place doing business overseas I will come back and repost.
Wouldn't recommend international shipping from a warranty perspective. Especially on likely the most expensive part of your system. If you get a bad card... could be a big problem for you.