If you want a buyers guide that is stupid, and resembles something that anyone could learn after Google'ing for a couple of hours
In many respects, the Anandtech weekly/monthly Buyer's Guide probably gets the job done well enough, but I also like what he have going on up here too.
However, I'm with GeneticWeapon on making the website mostly in-depth and technical, meanwhile having a few basic resources available for the on-slaught of n00bs out there. (I'm not talking about Spitfire's thread BTW, I'm talking about an INDEPENDENT WEBPAGE, perhaps linked through the Guide or change the name of the Guide to Resource center and have an alternate website that contain the files that we provide links for at THGC.
About the "n00bs" as CS put it, I beleive many of them actually <i>want</i> to become more technical but don't know where to start. That's how I was when I started reading Tom's Hardware Guide Articles (and then later Anandtech)
I've received PMs from both of you about this, and it been difficult for me to decide, because I don't want to make enemies here. I don't think anyone should "be incharge" and control the whole operation like a Nazi. However, I do beleive in the idea of a sort of elected "Manager" that just basically oversees that things get done more than anything. The content of the site should not be the manager's decision but the graphics community's vote as a whole should determine key decisions. I can see several that would make a good manager possibly.
First off, I was thinking Eden, because he's a workable, responsible feller that I think has alot of good leadership skills and is a good communicator and his personality seems like he is a good one for resolving disputes (Even though he is a whino :tongue:
I was also thinking GeneticWeapon, while he can definitely be rough & gruff at times, I have to admit, that his persistence on getting things done can be a good thing. A couple times this week, he's asked me if I've made progress, & when I answered basically "no" I felt pressured, which can be a potentially good thing. Also, his technical knowledge is one of the THGC's greatest Graphics Card-wise, which could be very helpful when critiquing progress.
Who else do y'all think would be a good manager? I might even do it if y'all think I should.
And like I said, whoever gets the manger position/if there is a manager, its not to be in charge or boost your social rank at THGC, its to fulfill a responsibility, just like the others working on individual projects.
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