Graphic Card recommendation please!!!


Aug 27, 2012
Hi guys,

I'm looking into upgrading a few parts of my current pc and I cant seem to decide on a graphics card :cry: . The components I have chosen purchase are:

CPU: Core i5 3550
Mobo: Asrock Extreme 4
Ram: 8gb (which ever brand)

I currently have the Ati HD 4870 gfx card but im looking into buying a new one. What I wanted to know is it worth buying an expensive graphics card or I can buy 2 (SLI/Crossfire) configuration which will give me a same output the expensive card for less money? I was looking at the HIS Ati HD 7850 in Crossfire?

The benchmark I'm considering is Battlefield 3 High settings and High Crysis 3 settings.

I have been out of the loop for a while in regards to new gfx cards :pt1cable: . So if you can suggest some card which will be sufficient it would help.

well depends on what your budget 7850 would indeed perform great...but if you can,try starting up with a gtx670 or a gtx680 so that you have the option of multi gpu open for later.
the 7850 does not support 3way cf mind you,so you would be left with the same performance until you upgrade fully.
If you can afford it I would get a GTX670 or a 7970 your choice both are great options.
When I bought my gtx670 it was cheaper than a 7970 so thats what I bought.
Nvidia's drivers tend to be better and make up for the performance differences.
In my opinion its a toss up.