I never accused you of being anything, 'you' was meant in a general way, meaning, you. me, whoever. Now, if YOU, Cleeve, want to take things personally, fine, go right ahead.
I am not mis-informing anyone, everyone has thier own opinion (yes, including me . . .). Any one peticular person can make the call on thier own, and I never said the AF shots were zoomed, gheesh I though we had that ironed out 5 pages ago . . . However, I have yet to see that much of a difference between no AF, and whatever amount of AF you choose (because I've tried every possible AF setting). Now, I'm guessing you're going to retort about maybe its my system only ? Well, I own 5 computers, a Laptop, and we have somewhere around 20 computers here all together, not to mention all the customers PC that come through here now and again, and the gaming rigs we build for customers. Not to mention the people who already agreed with me about this debate . . .
Now, without calling anyone any names, for someone who seems bent on claiming I'm telling everyone the AF screenshot is zoomed (I think perhaps YOU should read what I've said, because I've explained this atleast once already), and that I'm calling YOU inpeticular names, YOU cannot seem to get over the fact, that nanometer jaggies arent going to bother everyone (even when zoomed, 'to illustrate the difference'). Which brings me THIS point, why zoom the AA shots at all ? does it take that much to notice them ?
Now, perhaps you should also read the post where I mentioned the screenshots I post links to are compressed JPEGs, and that actual in game screens look much better. The blurryness, wasnt effected, but the jaggies definately were. Now, without AF, or AA on the current system listed in my signature, I see ZERO jaggies, and the roads, bricks, etc look much sharper (this has to do with what I said earlier about the textures being used, and the fact my newer system can handle Oblivion in the same resolution, but with graphics quality set to high, which includes large textures)
Zero AF
16x AF
Here, I will conceed 16x has a noticable effect, if you look on the top center of the picture, you will see the 'far away' bricks are sharper. However, this could arguably be considered unrealistic, since humans eyes dont focus on everything you see, at once, AND distant objects arent as easily seen comparred to close up objects. Also, the image is slightly skewed comparred to the zero AF shot. Both of these pictures use ZERO AA, and if you can find a jaggie without zooming in further than 1440x900, then you need a life . . .
All this, and you know what ? IF I hadnt taken these screenshots, I wouldnt have known the difference at_all.