I understand that with what i am about to ask, there won't really be any answer to the situation, i am more looking for other peoples perspective on the situation to help me consider my options and come to some sort of conclusion. My little brother is getting a new pc in a week, my parents wouldn't be able to afford it if I didn't volunteer to let him have and keep my current rx 580. I am giving this card to him regardless of the issues it may cause me, so now i have to consider how do I go about trying to resolve my issues? I wanted to buy an rtx 3070, but with stock i am fairly confident that this will not happen, i know many people are in this boat, yet unlike a lot of people, my issue is i have no option but to give my brother my graphics card in a week otherwise he wouldn't be able to afford a new pc. This means when i don't get an rtx 3070, because lets be real the chances of getting one is like 0.1%, not only will i not have the 3070, but in actuality i will have no graphics card. It would be such a shame to have to buy a 20 series card of equivalent price, that being the 2070 super considering the big performance difference for the same price. And i cant wait as i need a graphics card asap for many reasons, such as video editing, remote learning for my uni, and streaming etc. I know there is very limited options, so really i am posting this as personally i am struggling to figure this out myself and would just love some input from the community.