Graphics Card For Dimesnion 4600


Oct 20, 2009
I need to find a graphics card that will work with my AGP slot and 250w PSU because I don't want to buy a new PSU/motherboard etc. I know it's an old system but I dont want to get a new system yet. I only want to do light gaming like Sims 3, Burnout Paradise, Batman Arkham Asylum but I still want enough power for future games. I currently have a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 128 MB. Dell reccomended this card but is there something better I can get that will work with my 250w PSU?
Umm the 1650 is a decent one, i have one myself on my old computer and it runs decently. It's also the safer bet since the 3650, however preforming WAYYYYY better and running much smoother, it might push/stress your PSU resulting in a shut down if your PSU can't handle it. So the 1650xx might be a better/safer play. But if you wanna take a chance I'd go with the 3650 in a blink of an eye since preformance is greatly improved. actually... Not just greatly, Superbly improved.


Oct 20, 2009
Yea I see what you're saying but I don't want to buy the 3650 just to have not work with my PSU and then not to be able to get my money back. Are there any cards you know of that surpass the 1650 but still work well with the 250w?