Question Graphics card not recognized.

Aug 31, 2022
I have a HP gaming laptop, 15 inch, AMD 4600H, and a Nvidia gtx 1650 grahics card.
After replacing a broken fan, (or updating the bios) my graphics card is not visible anymore. I tried already everything, update bios, update Windows10, reset laptop, etc. But sofar nothing works.
When i try to load the drivers i get a message saying "there is no Nvidia Card on this system" or similar. Also something with "error 45".
Also my HDMI connector doesn't work anymore, i can not get a second monitor working.
Anybody has a clue?
Not visible in device manager. Also not when i turn on hidden devices.
I saw this error code when i tried to (re)install the drivers. It is from windows i believe. (Hardware device not connected)