Graphics card


Sep 5, 2011
Q1) I have got Core 2 duo with 2GB Ram (ddr2) and I bought a graphics card of ATI Radeon 1GB which has got built in DDR3 Ram . would it b feasible in working and long lasting performance ?

Q2) I have 300watt power should I need to increase it ?
1) Your PC should still be able to use the memory on your new GPU at full speed, the CPU however is a little on the slow end and is the weak link in your system.

2) More than likely, yes you will need a more powerful PSU, 550w PSU and above would be a good target for a single GPU system.

You haven't told us which C2D you have, nor have you told us what ATI Radeon graphics card you bought, so no one can possibly answer such a vague question.

Oh sorry, actually I have got Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHZ, 2gb RAM and

GPU => (HD 5670 Ati radeon ). so does power supply effect my GPU or its performance ?
and could it be harmful if I use this card with 300 watt power supply ?

what is the reason that you think my pc at slower end ? is this because of ddr2 of my pc has no match with dd3 rams of my GPU ?

Your cpu is 5 generations old compared to today's Intel cpu's, and it's on a platform that was discontinued years and years ago.

A 400w psu is recommended for that video card, 300w is really cutting it close and can cause instability, crashing, etc.
