Gravity indeed does warp space and time? Einstein Prediction

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Jan 3, 2007
this is old news

there is a photo of iron dust over year ago, the different colors are from time warp, i got it the photo!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

this is the orginal photo provening the warping of space/time by the shift in iron dust color


Feb 2, 2006

Could this discovery eventually help future CPU's to warp time and space to actually accept input and compute results while warping time and space to actually speed up results and present them theoretically before they were requested? ;)

Irregardless, good reading...

Yes, it's possible for the cpu to do that. Much better than quantum computing. All Intel and AMD needs now is implementing a flux capacitor on a .001nm chips.



Mar 6, 2005
personally i think einstein is the most overrated person ever. perhaps it is because i do not know enough physics or perhaps it is that i do not believe in time and cannot figure out why light would be so important.

not wanting to start an argument only that too much time scientists try to prove that how they think the universe works is right and not just trying to finds out how it works.

his works on photoelectrics was good but his theories IMO aren't and have held physics back by decades.

whether this proves anything we shall see but whether they will look at the data impartially or whether they will look to prove exisating theories is another matter.
You seem hard on everyone.


Jan 3, 2007
can we ban the strangerstrnager - hes a dangerdanger

Einstein was the greatest genius of all times - its hard to compare people like newton who wrote calculus in 1.5 years, then discovered one thing after another but Einsteins leaps are only now being understood.

Arcamides and other ancient genius just don't compare - the unified theory is the theory of all things - the theory to end all theories


Feb 20, 2006
thats a black hole and the stuff is swirling into the black hole in the center

the color shift of red and blue in magnetic pattern proves - time is warped

:lol: . o O (proves time is warped?)

Okay.. so tell me, what time is it at the center of the black hole vs the rim vs around it while your here and how warped is time being viewed from a distance plus or minus?

Is measuring time going to matter much, when in the extreme case is, you don't wanna be there, since the gravity will tear you apart atom by atom, not to mention there's no oxygen for you to breath there?

The only thing it really proves is that gravity is at the extreme, and that light does get bent or even sucked into a black hole. Anybody or anything will get warped getting too close to it. :lol:

Can you see time? Can you tell time in the dark, without being on a planet, without looking at a watch, instrument or calendar?

To me, gravity much more real then time. I still only see time as a tool, only in years, months, weeks, days, hours, mins, and secs for man kinds history/present/future.

If a doctor tells you, you only have months to live, but yet you live allot longer then their expectations, are you defying time?

I think not, I'd say the doc... was wrong.


Jan 3, 2007
ok noobie!

you see the 2 colors - the shift is created by a rift in time! omg! does anyone take sciences class anymore (j/k)!

below is a warped system! lol


below here is korn! warped tour! (familey values opps) i saw koen at waprded tour!


Dec 5, 2006
Wikipedia takes a lot of well deserved grief, but this article rocks.

Wiki Time Dilation

It simply and clearly describes damn near everything between the Lorentz transformations and Poincare's Einstein synchronization procedure.

Personally, I don't care if anyone "believes" this or not. This is fact proven to the nth degree by scientists who understand this stuff more than all of us put together. You can not "believe" in gravity either, but that aint gonna help ya when you step off the CN Tower.

As for Hawking's chronology protection conjecture, that's just one more reason why I think he's an overrated nerd. 8)

And I'd put my money on Ronald Mallett and Lijun Wang anyday!

P.S. Not replying to you, beerandcandy, just in general!


Dec 5, 2006

i see someone still takes science classes!

hawkins is over rated agreed - he is famous because he wrote about black holes - wow - about 50-60 yrs after einstein did!

I don't take science classes. I give them! :lol:

Hawkins is famous because he wrote about black holes and then last year had to EAT EVERY WORD HE WROTE as it was proven wrong. So much for that! :D

thanks for the link
but as you are falling off of the sears tower gravity seem less impotant to you but in reality its the most important thing for you at that moment.
but in any case you should pretend like your swimming to amuse your friends

Er... Next time I'm falling 1000 feet to the ground I'll keep that in mind! :p


Feb 20, 2006
Er... Next time I'm falling 1000 feet to the ground I'll keep that in mind! :p

:lol: . o O (Keep it in mind, eh?)

The amount of time from start to finish (1000ft to 0ft), is just another way of looking at how long your going to scream and think... Oh ssccccchhhhiiiiiiiitttttt!!!

While your falling, how much time will you actually think about gravity? I mean when your falling your life should be flashing through your mind... another sense of time warp? :lol:

And what of the people watching you fall?? Wonder if someone would be using a stop watch at that particular moment?

One other thing to me, I think gravity has more of an effect then time, if we were to treat time as something... what was that werd... tangible?


Dec 5, 2006
Er... Next time I'm falling 1000 feet to the ground I'll keep that in mind! :p

:lol: . o O (Keep it in mind, eh?)

The amount of time from start to finish (1000ft to 0ft), is just another way of looking at how long your going to scream and think... Oh ssccccchhhhiiiiiiiitttttt!!!

While your falling, how much time will you actually think about gravity? I mean when your falling your life should be flashing through your mind... another sense of time warp? :lol:

And what of the people watching you fall?? Wonder if someone would be using a stop watch at that particular moment?

One other thing to me, I think gravity has more of an effect then time, if we were to treat time as something... what was that werd... tangible?

After falling 1000 feet do you know the last thing that will go through my mind? My ass. :lol:


Apr 5, 2007
but as you are falling off of the sears tower gravity seem less impotant to you but in reality its the most important thing for you at that moment.

Why would gravity be more important than time? Gravity may be what pulls you down, but it takes time to get you there.

Why is it that when several things are needed to achieve something, people will try to determine which is more important?


Jun 22, 2006

i see someone still takes science classes!

hawkins is over rated agreed - he is famous because he wrote about black holes - wow - about 50-60 yrs after einstein did!

Einstein died before he could work on Black holes

to answer grimmy, just use 32 feet per sec per sec, as 1 second passes, 32 feet down, then 2 seconds, your at 96 feet, it's a exponential grow, just do that until you hit 10000 or whatever it was, and your good for amount of seconds.


Feb 20, 2006
After falling 1000 feet do you know the last thing that will go through my mind? My ass. :lol:


Well... it could be the other way around.


to answer grimmy, just use 32 feet per sec per sec, as 1 second passes, 32 feet down, then 2 seconds, your at 96 feet, it's a exponential grow, just do that until you hit 10000 or whatever it was, and your good for amount of seconds.

Soooo...... dat would be about 31.25 sec's at 1000ft?

The point really is, your dead, because of gravity, not time.

Now if your on the moon, and fell/jumped into a hole or crater, that was 1000ft deep, would you die from it, as long as you had oxygen to breath?

It would take allot longer to hit the bottom I would imagine, without having to think about where your ass will pass through. :lol:


Mar 5, 2006
the fact that einstiens theory of general relativity is flawed escapes most people, one word ACCELERATION.
Also its NOT gravity that kills you!!!, its the sudden stop and the expenditure of kinetic energy that kills ya


Feb 20, 2006
Do ya think we could trick the mythbusters to go to the moon, and find out for us?

I mean, they are specially trained for safety.. and ummm.. buster would take the fall.. and ummm..

:oops: . o O (oh... nm)
Well, first of all, I challenge anyone alive today to forward a physics theory that will be proven correct but only over a hundred years from now. This man was working fifty years before the invention of the slide rule! IMHO: Anyone who criticizes Einstein is broadcasting his own stupidity.

Didn't he suck at math? I thought he had someone else proof his mathematics as well as help him formulate this theories into a math equation.


Jul 3, 2005
CaptRobertApril wrote:
Well, first of all, I challenge anyone alive today to forward a physics theory that will be proven correct but only over a hundred years from now. This man was working fifty years before the invention of the slide rule! IMHO: Anyone who criticizes Einstein is broadcasting his own stupidity.

Didn't he suck at math? I thought he had someone else proof his mathematics as well as help him formulate this theories into a math equation.

The slide rule was invented in 1622 by William Oughtred.

Einstein did not invent any new mathematics. He arrived at general relativity thanks to the help he received from his friend Marcel Grossmann, who persuaded him to use tensor calculus. The field equations were published a few weeks before Einstein by the mathematician Hilbert. [He had seen Einstein's preliminary results and derived them independently using a more sophisticated modern approach]. Most of Einstein's results in special relativity were published 8 years earlier by Joseph Larmor. E=mc^2 is his though. If he had not existed everything he discovered would have been found by equally clever people with a delay of perhaps a few months.

Was he a genius? Certainly when it came to self publicity he was. He fitted the media image of a scientist perfectly and so began Einstein worship.
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