Gravity indeed does warp space and time? Einstein Prediction

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Jun 22, 2006
wow. uhm your really really really late, we're much past that, as i explained it isn't that the electronic device being faster it is reference, and time being faster, as a clock is faster in motion, and time dilation, but of course you know that since you did read every thread, thus knowing that us, the poeple who do that, know it has been stated. eh?


Mar 14, 2006
I personally think that Einstein was correctly rated. I dont think that he was in anyway overrated. He if anything propelled physics decades, if we did not have einstein who knows where our world would be atm. We could have still been thinking that gravitation is the same everywhere. Its pioneers such as Einstein that have changed the worlds outlook forever. Without people like Einstein, we could still think that the world is flat, space is a simple cover for the earth much like a globe...etc. We probably wont ever see another person as smart as Einstein, not in our life time. I find it mind blowing that Einstein could create these complex and extremly hard to understand theories without technology or aid. Can you imagine if a super computer was given to Einstein when he theorised special relativity, or anything else for that matter.


Jun 22, 2006
General Relativity was an aprocimation of Newtonian Physic,s so newtonian physics works until you get to large gravitational forces and very small, such as atomic, and then only at a singularity do quantum physics and GR are comparble but point being, Much of Einsteins work, equations came from other work, such as by lorentz, other experiments, then proven by him and other scientists, as mentioned by other people in this thread.


Dec 16, 2006
Wow,Einstein with a super computer 8O ...I think we'd be in the Jetson era by now,or a P36 space modulator...with an earth shattering kboom.


May 9, 2006
If Einstein had a supercomputer he would have probably created a faster than lightspeed spaceship. I think he would have called it the Von Braun :wink:


found another article...

For the past three years a satellite has circled the Earth, collecting data to determine whether two predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity are correct. Saturday, at the American Physical Society meeting in Jacksonville, Fla., Professor Francis Everitt, a Stanford University physicist and principal investigator of the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) Relativity Mission, a collaboration of Stanford, NASA and Lockheed Martin, provided the first public peek at data that will reveal whether Einstein's theory has been confirmed by the most sophisticated orbiting laboratory ever created.


Jan 3, 2007
your name reminds me of this guy i use to diablo 2 with i called him the owl!

lx_xl something like this i forgot how he did it


lxoxl --> dam i wish i could remember the owl!

o the dD2 days - i only played all day for like 5 years


Feb 3, 2007

Could this discovery eventually help future CPU's to warp time and space to actually accept input and compute results while warping time and space to actually speed up results and present them theoretically before they were requested? ;)

Irregardless, good reading...

Well, it's clear (to me at least) that ol' Albert was definitely using the effects of his own theories to write them in the first place. For us to be sitting here almost 100 years later and finally proving that everything he said was spot-on really leads you to wonder just how the hell he figured it all out in the first place, unless he got access to some information that wasn't around yet! That's it! Einstein was a time-traveller! :lol:

Too much Red Alert II for you... XD


Feb 20, 2006
When Einstein first published his 'General thoery of Relativity' there were about a hundred people in the world who understood it immediately.

When QuantumChromoDynamics was first published I believe there was no-one in the world who understood it.



Aug 25, 2006
Thats not true at all. I understood it, forgot it, and then understood it again. Except by understand i mean i have no idea what that is.

BTW, wow is pretty much the biggest waste of time ever. Flame away.


Feb 3, 2007
I still play D2

I haven't played that game myself, but I heard it was legendary.

I'm playing C&C3 now, but I don't think it's as good as some people make it out to be. The game runs a bit too similarly to Generals/ZH. :/ It runs a bit too fast, base defence structures are useless, the Scrin are broken, NOD's tanks suck and it doesn't require that much strategy.
IMO, the first C&C is still unbeaten.

I hope EA releases a good expansion for it, and brings back structures/units such as the Advanced Power Plant (hate micromanaging the usual power plants), Advanced Guard Tower, Orca Bomber, A10 Airstrike :)D) and CONCRETE WALLS (seriously)!

What I do like about the game, however, is that the AI/units are really intelligent and are easy to manage.

In the end, this game is really new, so I'll be looking forward to the patches and expansion packs to fix a few imbalances.


Feb 3, 2007
I'll try and look out for them.

I'm pretty new when it comes to PC gaming. I'm a Nintendo fan first and a PC gamer second. :D My first system was a SNES, and I then bought the NES and N64 soon after. :p Good times, good times.

On the PC side of things, my first PC was either an old Pentium III based system (Tualatin core at 1.2GHz). I used it for light gaming--stuff like ROMs and emulators. XD Heck, it still serves me well today as a file server.

Pentium III (1.2GHz, 130nm 256kb L2)
Random mobo with Intel i810E chipset + ICH [1] SB (XD)
256MB of PC-133 RAM ( :twisted: )

OH YEAH, BABY!!! :twisted:


Oct 1, 2006
I still play D2

I haven't played that game myself, but I heard it was legendary.

I'm playing C&C3 now, but I don't think it's as good as some people make it out to be. The game runs a bit too similarly to Generals/ZH. :/ It runs a bit too fast, base defence structures are useless, the Scrin are broken, NOD's tanks suck and it doesn't require that much strategy.
IMO, the first C&C is still unbeaten.

I hope EA releases a good expansion for it, and brings back structures/units such as the Advanced Power Plant (hate micromanaging the usual power plants), Advanced Guard Tower, Orca Bomber, A10 Airstrike :)D) and CONCRETE WALLS (seriously)!

What I do like about the game, however, is that the AI/units are really intelligent and are easy to manage.

In the end, this game is really new, so I'll be looking forward to the patches and expansion packs to fix a few imbalances.
I used to love Command & Conquer and the Red Alert series, the first ones were really great. I remember that in the first command & conquer we could build walls and the enemy never attacked the walls, so we could trap them and close all the map :lol: .
I miss the tesla coils towers, the prisma towers, and that stealth tank (I think it was called mirage).


Feb 24, 2007
This is a response to the thread, not anyone who posted before me.

Time is only relative to the dimension you're in. Therefore, people age slower living on top of a mountain because their day is longer. Most people don't know this, but it's a true fact. Things slow down where there is less gravity and speed up where there isn't. It's not that brilliant considering what we know now. It makes sense. Given the science I was brought up with I come upon conclusions like this all the time. I'm no theorist or psychologist or chemist or physicist. But if you let your mind ponder a bit, it's amazing what you can come up with in theory. Einstein isn't revolutionary. He just focused on important thinking rather than getting caught up in stupid selfish antics like most of us do. Smoking, partying, and self realization all take time. Get past the self-realization stage, grow up, and begin to question society, human limitation, and what we have yet to conquer. You'll amaze yourself. There's not a damn reason we shouldn't already have Gliese 581c populated, except that human beings limit themselves. That's how I feel about it. We fight amongst ourselves like idiots. We have the tools to be organized and get our crap together. I hope the generation reading this will learn to lay down arms, and realize that violence only begets violence. It's not cliche, it's truth. I mean think about it, if I kill your family what are you likely to do? Be my friend? No. Someone has to start having integrity. I for one will never die for ANY nation unless my life or loved ones are directly threatened, right here at my doorstep. Wars start at the end of diplomacy. A good diplomat has no reason to lie. How often does the US exhaust diplomacy and throw the first punch? Here we are facing extinction because of global warming. There's a word that everyone on earth needs to learn. Sustainability. While we've been bickering and fighting and struggling we've been destroying our own homes doing it. Our world is in crisis because of war. Economic troubles and a need for prosperity is because we can't work together. If we could, we'd all be living like kings and flying spaceships right now. We'd each have our own. I'm not talking communism. I'm talking communalism. Big big difference. Today in America we trust each other less than we ever have before in the history of the nation. It's incredibly sad. People don't trust the government, or the cops, or their neighbor. And why should they? But it has to start somewhere. We've got emphasis on being men by being tough. The toughest thing to do is be a man and make yourself vulnerable. It's harder to be at gun point than it is to hold a gun and declare how tough you are. I desire a change in my world. Do you? Maybe it's become time that the people of EARTH stood as a nation, using the internet as a portal to unite under the law of decency. Under a true and just societal law. Under the concept of being good and doing what is right because it's cool to be ethical. Globalized business has put on that face lately. Maybe it's time we do it as uniting individuals. We all want it. There is no reason we can't. The only thing holding us back is a doubt in humanity and ourselves. What do we have to fear though? We're already at war with each other. We're all going to die someday, and we're facing a crisis that will end us all if we don't unite. I have no desire to be a world president, or a great leader. I just want to be one person who stands up, instead of constantly trying to stand out. Nobody here even knows my real name. It doesn't matter. My voice doesn't matter. Our voice does. Everyone on earth is different than you. Everyone. You are a minority. Every single person on earth feels the way you do. It is time we get over ourselves. Life isn't a struggle against life. It's a struggle against humanity and natural law. We can only change the human element, and learn more about nature. Let's do that. Anyone with me?
- Einstein insisted the universe was static for many years after 1915, even though it couldn't be, if the theory of general relativity was to be correct.

I believe you're talking about Einstein's infamous fudge-factor, the 'cosmological constant' which he invented to explain the observed steady-state nature of the universe (i.e., neither expanding nor contracting). Einstein didn't "insist" the universe was static - astronomy and cosmology insisted it was so, and Einstein couldn't make "observation" fit his theory without the constant.

After Hubble discovered the universe was actually expanding, Einstein retracted his constant, calling it the biggest blunder of his lifetime. However, now dark energy shows he was merely prescient :)

From what I've read, Einstein, like Newton before him, "stood on the shoulders of giants". His special theory of relativity acknowledged two concepts - Galileo's idea of no special frames of reference and the Michelson-Morley experiment which showed the speed of light to be measured the same in all directions, despite the Earth moving around the sun at 18.5 miles per second. That's where he got the idea that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers (in non-accelerated frames of reference anyway).

Anyway, apparently this discussion has progressed already from frame-dragging, to the Capt.'s butt-dragging :), to who knows where, so sorry for the time-lagging :).


Mar 14, 2006
Very very intelligent post. I do also agree with you on some of your points of limitation by self means. I personally am not a stupid person, however my marks in school are terrible right now, because I have no interest and dont think I can do better, when really I can. Humans, were and always will be selfish, ignorant, and un ethical at points, our emmotions and wants drive us, not logical thought. There are many annoying things about our society, that cannot be fixed, no matter how many people are standing up against the constant slog of bs. Life in the end is all in what you make it, not what someone else thinks, because it is your life and only yours. However making the best out of everything can be a daunting task.


Feb 24, 2007
Humans, were and always will be selfish, ignorant, and un ethical at points, our emmotions and wants drive us, not logical thought.

This is the problem though, nobody believes that logic can supercede emotion, that people can triumph over themselves and the poor ethical climate that we have created throughout our world. Strong passion (emotion) can cause us to think logically. The belief in humanity and the desire to see war stopped IS logical. Therefore, the idea, perception, and attitude that we will always come back to being emotional and selfish IS the problem. We must believe that mankind can rise above itself, or we've just doomed ourselves to our fate. Not believing that man can make a stand against his own tendencies is what causes people to quit trying, to drink, to give in to rage, to kill themselves. In business, an unethical climate results in an unethical act by someone who would otherwise be ethical. It's the same in the real world. Smiles, acts of kindness, forgiveness, nobility...these are things that inspire people to move. They are contagious. But so are things like despair, doubt, and mistrust. We humans are so strongly willing to believe in the supernatural, because we don't have faith in ourselves. I say it's time we got together and stood up, brushed ourselves off, and faced the future. It is time to quit using our humanity as an excuse for not working together to fix our problems.


May 9, 2006
This is a response to the thread, not anyone who posted before me.

Time is only relative to the dimension you're in. Therefore, people age slower living on top of a mountain because their day is longer. Most people don't know this, but it's a true fact. Things slow down where there is less gravity and speed up where there isn't. It's not that brilliant considering what we know now. It makes sense. Given the science I was brought up with I come upon conclusions like this all the time. I'm no theorist or psychologist or chemist or physicist. But if you let your mind ponder a bit, it's amazing what you can come up with in theory. Einstein isn't revolutionary. He just focused on important thinking rather than getting caught up in stupid selfish antics like most of us do. Smoking, partying, and self realization all take time. Get past the self-realization stage, grow up, and begin to question society, human limitation, and what we have yet to conquer. You'll amaze yourself. There's not a damn reason we shouldn't already have Gliese 581c populated, except that human beings limit themselves. That's how I feel about it. We fight amongst ourselves like idiots. We have the tools to be organized and get our crap together. I hope the generation reading this will learn to lay down arms, and realize that violence only begets violence. It's not cliche, it's truth. I mean think about it, if I kill your family what are you likely to do? Be my friend? No. Someone has to start having integrity. I for one will never die for ANY nation unless my life or loved ones are directly threatened, right here at my doorstep. Wars start at the end of diplomacy. A good diplomat has no reason to lie. How often does the US exhaust diplomacy and throw the first punch? Here we are facing extinction because of global warming. There's a word that everyone on earth needs to learn. Sustainability. While we've been bickering and fighting and struggling we've been destroying our own homes doing it. Our world is in crisis because of war. Economic troubles and a need for prosperity is because we can't work together. If we could, we'd all be living like kings and flying spaceships right now. We'd each have our own. I'm not talking communism. I'm talking communalism. Big big difference. Today in America we trust each other less than we ever have before in the history of the nation. It's incredibly sad. People don't trust the government, or the cops, or their neighbor. And why should they? But it has to start somewhere. We've got emphasis on being men by being tough. The toughest thing to do is be a man and make yourself vulnerable. It's harder to be at gun point than it is to hold a gun and declare how tough you are. I desire a change in my world. Do you? Maybe it's become time that the people of EARTH stood as a nation, using the internet as a portal to unite under the law of decency. Under a true and just societal law. Under the concept of being good and doing what is right because it's cool to be ethical. Globalized business has put on that face lately. Maybe it's time we do it as uniting individuals. We all want it. There is no reason we can't. The only thing holding us back is a doubt in humanity and ourselves. What do we have to fear though? We're already at war with each other. We're all going to die someday, and we're facing a crisis that will end us all if we don't unite. I have no desire to be a world president, or a great leader. I just want to be one person who stands up, instead of constantly trying to stand out. Nobody here even knows my real name. It doesn't matter. My voice doesn't matter. Our voice does. Everyone on earth is different than you. Everyone. You are a minority. Every single person on earth feels the way you do. It is time we get over ourselves. Life isn't a struggle against life. It's a struggle against humanity and natural law. We can only change the human element, and learn more about nature. Let's do that. Anyone with me?

You forgot about religion (and paragraphs :wink: ), otherwise I agree with you.

Just look at fossil fuels; there's no good reason as to why, in the 21st century, we shouldn't be living in a hydrogen economy.

Edit: Forgot to add this. That's what pisses me off about Australia the most. We have the world's second largest desert with over 300 days of sun each year (and only 21 million odd people to provide for), and yet we're pursuing nuclear as an energy solution. Here we have an opportunity to set an example but we don't.

I'm in Tokyo at the moment and I saw a cluster of nearly 100 solar panels sandwiched in between 2 buildings. I've never seen that in Australia, even though we have a massive amount of space and far more sun than Japan. I think it's because Australia's too busy drinking beer and wallowing in ignorance all the time to do anything.
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