Gravity indeed does warp space and time? Einstein Prediction

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Feb 24, 2007
This discussion wasn't to antagonize people for their beliefs really, it was meant to make people see PAST the barriers, not insight another virtual online war over differences. LOL See our human tendencies? We really must learn to overcome them, and focus on the problems the human race faces right now. "United We Stand" can be a world slogan...and it doesn't mean we have to Americanize the rest of the world. I don't WANT the world to think like westerners. I want the world to think like human beings.


Feb 24, 2007
It's quite true actually. You two have a good point. How often is religion the crutch of the oppressed and the means for the oppressors? This is why I say it's the scourge of the earth...


Dec 19, 2005
Close, but not quite. If there were no religion, something would rise to take its place. Concepts (religious, economic, or otherwise), are not the scourge of the earth, PEOPLE ARE.


Aug 25, 2006
We wont have unity until we find a reason to value life. Religions all support the value of life, especially the Christian flavers. The fact there is justified and legal methods of destroying life is enough excuse to work less to protect it. The real source of the world the way it is, is lack of charity and selfishness. Protect life at all times, promote charity, show forgiveness, and thwart judging. Doing those will be the necessary steps needed to take in order to have all humans act human.

I am a Roman Catholic, and I am not part of the scourge of the earth.


Feb 24, 2007
are you suggesting we kill all humans. IMO they earth would be a nicer place because of it.
Well, some would call that extreme, but it IS true that human nature is the cause of most of our and Earths problems.

Yes Hergie, that's the solution. Kill all of ourselves and then we'll enjoy a long and prosperous life here on earth...


Feb 24, 2007
So wait, you don't have a reason to value life other than your religion? Which, based on my experience seems to be a ritualistic "I believe in Jesus" load of crap with a massive amount of holidays that give a reason to drink...but please, if it's more than that to you, feel free to elaborate on what it is you value. I value people, and I'm honestly open to our differences. But pardon me for having a pessimistic view of people who need religion in order to find purpose in life.

If you can't just value life for what it is, and value people...then please...wage war in the name of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Israel does it. Feel free to join in. They're our western civilization allies afterall.


Feb 4, 2006
Not sure if this has been presented for you folks in this thread yet...

Did not read the full 9 pages...

So my apologies if this is a repeat:

A great special from Nova called "The Elegant Universe"

Great FREE online viewing of this at:

Under the Resources column select "Watch The Program"

Really a must watch if you are interested at all in this topic..

Again sorry if this is a repeat.


Jul 20, 2006
First of all, nothing in this article really says that much about time travel itself. They said that is the part they haven't experimented with as much. But they did say that the rotation of the planets is what would cause the space-time warp. Since the planets have so much mass, It has a slightly noticable effect.

You have to put something really extremely heavy into a computer to make it be affected by a space-time warp. Something unrealistically heavy. And If you could get something with enough matter to do this, it would disrupt the planets paths and mess everything up. You would need something with more mass than the Earth has on it. And you would have to make it spin, which you need a great deal of energy.

So pretty much, It's is almost impossible to make a device that would warp space and time.

personally i think einstein is the most overrated person ever. perhaps it is because i do not know enough physics or perhaps it is that i do not believe in time and cannot figure out why light would be so important.

Finally! I haven't ever met anyone that shares my nonbelief in time. Time does not exist. Time is a made up measurement that we use to make sense of the world. It is not a tangible thing. So how can you bend or distort something that is not tangible? It just really doesn't make sense.

I am not very familiar with Einsteins work, so I would not go as far as saying he is overrated. But I do know that his IQ was "only" about 160. It is still high and he was a genious, but usually a genious has an IQ of at least 180.

I would also like to say that all of what I said is just theory. I am only 16. I have not even taken Physics yet in high school. I just have my own theories about how things work, so please do not take what I have said too seriously. I would not like somebody to take what I have said as fact unless I really knew what I was talking about.

I just wanted to give people something to think about.
Has anyone "enlightened" this 16 y/o douche yet?

If not, I'll be glad to do so.

I have a degree in physics, after all.


Feb 24, 2007
I mentioned that time is only relative to movement, or something like that. Things can be measured, but without proof of space and matter's beginning, we cannot begin to fathom an end. Therefore, time is only relevant when we choose it to be. Michael Critchon's forward in "Timeline" states that at the beginning of the (14th?) century scientists thought they new nearly all there was to be discovered. Then they found out the world was round. He then goes on to mention how once again here at the beginning of the 21st century we believe once again we know just about everything there is to warming may be changing all that. But many religions have this same idealogy, that there is nothing left to know, and that a single old text might contain all the answers. It's just proposterous.


Sep 29, 2006
I hate to say it, but CURRENTLY Islam IS the faith of choice for those bent on war and destruction of innocents.

Yes Christianity had that kind of phase several hundred years ago....but it got better.

Now for SOLAR power. It would be a solution however Environmental whacko's would scream about upsetting the delicate balance of large chuncks of desert eco-systems. On top of that, at this point in time, Solar is not economicly viable, neither is wind or wave power. OUr most cost effective powersource is still Nuclear and as long as Oil is up around $60 a barrell Coal and Natural gas are 3rd and 4th. Biodeisel is actually too energy intensive to produce (per latest reports in Popular Science and Scientific American).....So suck it up and promote modern Nukes, Pebble Bed reactors are cool.


Sep 29, 2006
Oh god, I didn't mean to start a global warming rant.....listen, even the global warming nuts realised their basic tennents and theorys didn't hold water so they shifted the pharse to "Global Climate Change".

Fact. The entire solarsystem is heating up
Fact Solar Scientists know this is due to increased Solar Output.
Fact. Earth isin't even as warm as it was prior to the "little Ice Age" of the
circa 1300ad time frame.
Fact. There is no one to one corrolation to temperature changes and CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
Fact We are still in an interglacial era

And Finally FACT the whole "Global Climate Change" Hysteria is a Money Driven scam to make certain parties richer than they already are.

Can we now get back to what we were talking about? :wink:


Feb 24, 2007
I hate to say it, but CURRENTLY Islam IS the faith of choice for those bent on war and destruction of innocents.

Yes Christianity had that kind of phase several hundred years ago....but it got better.

I'd have to disagree. I think it's just taken on a hidden face through governmentation.


Feb 24, 2007
You think the huge panel of scientists meeting around the world to discuss global warming and it's effects on our lives are "nuts" huh? You and everyone else ignoring all the melting ice, the unexplained dying of animals...can all be the first to die as the tides rise, the hurricanes and tsunamis increase, and the famines and water shortages begin. I'll be MORE than happy to let you try to live in Florida in 20 years. You'll be more than welcome to have ALL the beachfront houses. In fact, I'm sure that with all the high costs of insurance there (and it being tough to even find it) that you can likely find houses there going for cheap now...


Feb 24, 2007
I'd also argue that solar power IS a viable idea. Biosynthesis in plastic or glass containers could be easily done on a large scale. Ever watch algae grow in an aquarium? It's nearly impossible to stop and is RICH AS HELL in nutrients. Toss a bit of roadkill or a few leaves in a glass jar filled with water, seal it, and watch an ecosystem come to life my friend. We have bacteria and algae, the two stasis of life after water and they produce so much energy. All we have to do is a little research and put them into action. It's energy just waiting to happen.


Dec 19, 2005
And this I why I said we should stay away from religion as a topic. ANYONE who says that any given faith does nothing but promote ignorance and war is every bit as illusory and idiotic as those that believe anything they are told in the name of faith. Time to shift the topic away from that and toward something else...


Dec 19, 2005
are you suggesting we kill all humans. IMO they earth would be a nicer place because of it.
Well, some would call that extreme, but it IS true that human nature is the cause of most of our and Earths problems.

Yes Hergie, that's the solution. Kill all of ourselves and then we'll enjoy a long and prosperous life here on earth...Uhh, first off, I never said that. Second, its called humor... :lol: If you take life or yourself too seriously, then you miss out on a lot.

Third, who said anything about about us having a long and prosperous life. Please find me one counter argument to the statement that the earth would be a more balanced and healthier place without human interaction. We ere talking about the Earth as a planet, not about the health of the human race...


Dec 19, 2005
You think the huge panel of scientists meeting around the world to discuss global warming and it's effects on our lives are "nuts" huh? You and everyone else ignoring all the melting ice, the unexplained dying of animals...can all be the first to die as the tides rise, the hurricanes and tsunamis increase, and the famines and water shortages begin. I'll be MORE than happy to let you try to live in Florida in 20 years. You'll be more than welcome to have ALL the beachfront houses. In fact, I'm sure that with all the high costs of insurance there (and it being tough to even find it) that you can likely find houses there going for cheap now...
Well lets see:

Actually, a lot of the cause is becuase the Solar System as a whole is getting hotter.

We've got: this
and the fact that
Mars ice caps are melting as well.

Plus UN downgrades mans impact on global warming
UN says Cow Emissions have greated impact on environment

Plus the fact that some prominent UN scientists took their names off of several UN reports for over emphasizing mans effect on Global warming, and the billions that many "unbiased" scientists have made in research grants dealing with the whole phenomena...

There is no denying that the world is getting hotter and the climate is changing. However, there is also no proving (and in fact, much evidence to the contrary) that man is the primary cause.

The bigger question here is what are we going to do about the problem??


Dec 19, 2005
I'd also argue that solar power IS a viable idea. Biosynthesis in plastic or glass containers could be easily done on a large scale. Ever watch algae grow in an aquarium? It's nearly impossible to stop and is RICH AS HELL in nutrients. Toss a bit of roadkill or a few leaves in a glass jar filled with water, seal it, and watch an ecosystem come to life my friend. We have bacteria and algae, the two stasis of life after water and they produce so much energy. All we have to do is a little research and put them into action. It's energy just waiting to happen.
Very true. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems facing our planet (bigger than global warming), is the loss of biodiversity in our oceans, especially among types of algae and microscopic plant and animal life. We could very well be killing the next big energy source as we speak...


Jan 15, 2006
Oh god, I didn't mean to start a global warming rant.....listen, even the global warming nuts realised their basic tennents and theorys didn't hold water so they shifted the pharse to "Global Climate Change".

Fact. The entire solarsystem is heating up
Fact Solar Scientists know this is due to increased Solar Output.
Fact. Earth isin't even as warm as it was prior to the "little Ice Age" of the
circa 1300ad time frame.
Fact. There is no one to one corrolation to temperature changes and CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
Fact We are still in an interglacial era

And Finally FACT the whole "Global Climate Change" Hysteria is a Money Driven scam to make certain parties richer than they already are.

Can we now get back to what we were talking about? :wink:



Jan 23, 2007
Then they found out the world was round.
Thats quite strange , after all, all they really had to do was to read some ancient greek (or even older than that) theories-and it looks they werent just theories- about it.They would even know whats the perimeter of Earth too. 8O
But many religions have this same idealogy, that there is nothing left to know, and that a single old text might contain all the answers. It's just proposterous.
And that old text is what they chose for us to know and not what it seems to be the "whole" truth.
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