Question Green Q-LED Light remains On & a Black screen -- ASUS Z790 Board


Aug 30, 2023
I cannot get my PC to boot up - or at least POST past the motherboard's check. The green Q-LED boot error light stays on. I therefore have a blank screen ('no display' message on the monitor). I have an Asus Z790-A II motherboard.

I have replaced literally all the components in this PC since it was happening with the old board and components.

I have new SSD, new GPU, new m/board, new RAM, new DP cable, new AIO.

It's probably something really simple - but I just can't think what.

Btw, if I press the clear CMOS button, I can get into the BIOS if that helps. The monitor turns on when I get into the BIOS.
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

= = = =

Power down, unplug, open the case.

Clean out dust and debris.

Verify by sight and feel that all connectors, cards, RAM, jumpers, and case connections are fully and firmly in place.

Use a bright flashlight to inpect for signs of damage, loose or missing screws, etc..
I've said this before on your other thread;
Sig space specs can and will change over time, when that happens this thread and it's relevant suggestions will be rendered moot to the end user in the same boat as you're in now.

We don't memorize peoples specs when trying to troubleshoot their issues. If your specs have changed since the last time I'd tried helping you out, please list them like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

If your board has multiple M.2 slots, please specify which slot you're populating with said OS drive.
I've said this before on your other thread;
Sig space specs can and will change over time, when that happens this thread and it's relevant suggestions will be rendered moot to the end user in the same boat as you're in now.

We don't memorize peoples specs when trying to troubleshoot their issues. If your specs have changed since the last time I'd tried helping you out, please list them like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

If your board has multiple M.2 slots, please specify which slot you're populating with said OS drive.
I thought I would actually post to the correct forum this time.

And my spec hasn't really changed since last time - it's basically listed in my signature.

I think the issue is something to do with a Bitlocker crash I had on my previous drive - it looks like it might have done something to the TPM, although that's enabled in the BIOS.

When I try to install Windows from the USB installation drive - Windows says my PC is not up to spec for Windows 11, which is wrong because I have TPM enabled.
I am changing my motherboard because I have been made aware by Microsoft Support that my old SSD (which had a catastrophic Bitlocker crash) corrupted the current m/board's TPM, and this can go on unless you remove the corrupted parts from the chain.
So I have deep formatted my boot SSD, and with the new m/board I will have a BIOS/TPM that is fresh - which should then work/boot.

I have come across where the pin contacts that stick out at the bottom of the motherboard can touch the case or something and short things - meaning that the PC won't boot. So I hope it's not that if I still have issues later.