Here's some constructive input. Go back and tell your company to unlock their processor chips AND become competitive. Why do you think almost everyone on these message boards are AMD users? Intel will continue to lose market share with their "our way or the highway" attitude. Instead of embracing the overclocking community like the motherboard, heatsink, memory and other component industries, Intel goes to great length to eliminate it. As far as spec processor speed, Intel costs over 60% higher for same rating as AMD. A recent visit to 2 major warehouse clubs carried only one intel and about 15 AMD systems. The general public is fast learning it doesn't have to say intel inside. Any new intel computing products will most likely be overpriced as well. As far as your company's attitude, you are more than welcome to live it, love it, enjoy it, and stifle in it. I, like so many others, will leave it. I will avoid intel on any other products strictly because of your multiplier locks! When people call me on advice on a new system purchase I direct them towards the AMD systems. Your company's policy is a success! Most hobbyists which tweak their systems are going to AMD and when asked by most of the the people they come in contact with for computer advice they will recommend AMD, a factor intel's bean counters fail to realize. Static instead of dynamic analysis of an arrogant policy. Intel's self-importance is not shared by everyone else. It is unfortunate that their ideals are so misguided that they turn away market share and create contempt at the same time. Why not embrace this segment of the market and benefit from it in so many ways? This is just what AMD is doing with their new Athelons being shipped unlocked and good for them. They are not losing profit potential by producing a tweakable cpu. They are increasing the sales of their high end chips because of this. They must have people in the position to make decisions that aren't quite as short sighted as your company and they will continue to flourish. My next new system will be AMD powered. One less intel inside! I will agressively pursue and recommend your competitor's products over your company's products with the same degree of arrogance Intel has displayed.
<b><i>"Bad advice is expensive, Good advice is priceless"