GTA V FPS Drop To Exactly 30


Mar 13, 2014
I bought GTA V yesterday and ran around Los Santos to test what settings my pc can handle. I managed to run everything at max except I set my MSAA at 2x and Reflection MXAA at 2x. I also maxed the bar for view distance scaling in the advanced graphics. I could run the game at about 60-80 fps. I turned on vsync to cap it at a solid 60, which is good for me. Ran around some more and confirmed it rarely dropped below 60, maybe sometimes to a 58-59 fps. This morning I turn on GTA V and I start out inside Franklin's house, and my fps is a straight 30. I go outside, it goes up to a 60. I turn direction and it drops to 30 again. It never stays at any fps in between either, it's either 60 or a straight 30.. wtf is happening. Anyone encountered this issue?
I had that problem after I installed the new drivers from Nvidia for GTA V. When I first played it without the drivers, there were no problems for me, getting 60 fps cap. After the installation and each time I open GTA V, it caps at 30 fps, what I try to do is "reset" v sync by turning it off real quick then turn it back on, that seems to fix it for me, so you can try that if you want.


Mar 13, 2014

Wouldn't that cause screen tearing? I'm playing in fullscreen, not sure if that matters. The thing is I played with V-sync on yesterday, for a couple hours and the fps drop never occurred. I'll give it a try anyway.

Edit: You're right, it's because of Vsync. I turned it off and my fps is is 60-80 again. However, now there's really bad screen tearing lol. Is there anyway to fix this with Nvidia settings or something? I never mess around with the Nvidia tool so I don't know.


I had that problem after I installed the new drivers from Nvidia for GTA V. When I first played it without the drivers, there were no problems for me, getting 60 fps cap. After the installation and each time I open GTA V, it caps at 30 fps, what I try to do is "reset" v sync by turning it off real quick then turn it back on, that seems to fix it for me, so you can try that if you want.


Mar 13, 2014

It worked, thank you! Such a simple thing too lol.



Yup, it's kinda annoying, but easy enough not to annoy at the same time.


Mar 13, 2014

Yeah it's annoying. I have to do this every time I launch GTA V, or else the fps will drop to 30. Rockstar released a patch today, but it did not mention anything about this vsync problem which is annoying.