GTX 560 SC awful BF3 performance

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May 3, 2011
Recently upgraded from an 8800GTX and it's barely an improvement. BF3 is tearing me a new one. All AA off, mixture of medium/low settings and I average 30fps but often dip, sometimes as low as 16fps. Frustrating.

Phenom II X2 3.2Ghz
4GB DDR2 800
520W no-name PSU

The only thing I can think of is that the PSU is inadequate, but I'm 70W over the 450W minimum...thoughts?
Have you gone into your bios and tried the core unlocker? What speed is your CPU overclocked to? You're in the perfect situation for learning how to overclock now as it can actually provide a tangible benefit for you. There's around a 50% chance you can get a quad core running at 3.6GHz if you unlock and OC--so look into it.

Also, if you upgrade to a Phenom II x4--go for the Phenom II 960 Zosma (Black Edition) because it's pretty much the same price as the 955BE with similar stock...
Instead of buying a new cpu as others say, I would try overclocking and or unlocking the extra cores on that phenom ii as that cpu is still a great cpu and has lots of potential. You may also want to try overclocking your ram also. This way you can save the extra bucks and spend it on a decent psu instead. Also which version GTX 560 do you have, they have the regular gtx 560 and the gtx 560 ti.

Intriguing, didn't even think of unlocking cores. What does this entail exactly? All my cooling and stuff is stock, and I'm fairly clueless about such things.

My card is the GTX 560 superclocked, not ti.

Sticker's on the bottom, I'd have to remove the PSU to get at it.

Anyhow, I've disconnected power from the card and am running onboard video now until the new PSU arrives. I figure I'll just stick with the one I ordered for now, no big deal.

Finally, someone who understands my name!

I think your cpu is fine if you don't mind a minor fps dip. I can understand a budget; i'm still rocking DDr2!
Unlocking...well that requires a motherboard with unlocking capabilities--often related the the ACC (Advanced Clock Calibration) feature on a bunch of the AM3/AM3+ motherboards you'll see on Newegg. I think your motherboard is AM2, so chances are it doesn't have the feature.

However, that doesn't mean you can't overclock anything. I've had some kits of 800MHz RAM that run 960MHz just fine (at slightly increased voltages). And your Phenom II x2 is probably a Black Edition, which means an unlocked multiplier. All you have to do to overclock one of those is go into your bios and pick a new higher multiplier. Then watch your temps and do some stability testing.

You might want to start a new thread on overclocking. A good PSU will aid a little in overclocking. But I think you'll be fine with just integrated graphics.
Oh--yep, a quick google search shows you've got unlocking. Give it a try and let us know how it goes. That should help a lot with BF3. But I think your PSU may have been limiting too. If it unlocks, there's absolutely no reason you need to upgrade your CPU immediately.

Yeah, I'm very strongly considering giving it a go but I'm also watching newegg like a hawk for deals atm.
The PSU you bought is fine. I've seen before where someone ran a card with a crappy PSU, basically the card gets throttled by not being able to get enough power. I definitely think this PSU will help you out. No reason you can't play all medium with some high settings.

The dual core might be a bit of a bottleneck but not too bad. As mentioned it might be worthwhile to look into overclocking and/or unlocking cores. A new quad core AMD cpu is a good deal too so if you can't OC it with your current motherboard, it might be a better investment to get a new CPU whenever funds become available.

In the meantime, plug that new PSU in and see what happens 😀
That PSU is fine. But I still think the $31 Corsair CX500, which is about the same quality PSU, is a better buy. Why not save $19? and get that?

The Antec had been shipped by the time I got up this morning 😛
It's definitely your CPU. I know because I was running an e8400 and was only getting 20fps avg, now I've got a 2500k and I'm getting 45 fps avg on the same settings. Trust me this game punishes dual cores.

Playable on high/med settings, nothing exciting about the fps though. Peak mid 40s, dips to 20s.

Funny thing is turning off AA doesn't gain me much if any, nor cranking the settings down altogether.

Definitely keeping an eye on newegg sales for an X4.
Have you gone into your bios and tried the core unlocker? What speed is your CPU overclocked to? You're in the perfect situation for learning how to overclock now as it can actually provide a tangible benefit for you. There's around a 50% chance you can get a quad core running at 3.6GHz if you unlock and OC--so look into it.

Also, if you upgrade to a Phenom II x4--go for the Phenom II 960 Zosma (Black Edition) because it's pretty much the same price as the 955BE with similar stock specs...except it's an x6 Thuban with disabled cores. That thing may unlock to an x6 for no extra price to you. I probably wouldn't upgrade a Phenom II x2. I'd just save up and build a new computer.

what are you on about or smoking? Was replying to the above post of the stores. Nothing to do with intel because intel doesn't sell single cpus over a counter. Its just related to the cheap prices and wide range of place to purchase it from that's all.

that's a cpu bottleneck. What resolution are you playing at.

Well apparently MSAA has autoed to off, and post AA to high. Turning post AA down doesn't give me any noticeable gain.

Advice regarding X4 pricing noted, I'm going to have a go at unlocking today though so with a little luck I may just save that cash.

Planning on doing so today, currently searching around this site for instructions. If I'm successful, will my stock fans be adequate? I came across the CPU-Z validator so I'm now aware of that.

That CPU does sound legit, not available on newegg anymore though it seems.
EDIT: that would be because it's sold out due to the sale.

I would definitely upgrade to an X4 if the situation dictates, considering I built this computer just over 6 months ago. Thing is I bought the ram first for an older board, then I decided to get a new mobo and CPU, so I was stuck building the thing around DDR2.

You're going to want to monitor your temps if you unlock or overclock. Download HWMonitor from CPU-Z and considering putting a shortcut to it in your Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup folder so you don't forget to monitor temps, which is important the first week or so of a new overclock. You'll also want to monitor temps prior to your unlock so you're familiar with which readings relate to the CPU socket temp as the individual core sensors are disabled when you enable the unlock.

Can you link the thread where you're looking into unlocking? I've attempted to unlock three Phenom II x2's and there's some possibility I could provide useful input...although that may be limited because I only got one of the three stable--but that one OC'd a bit too!

As far as the adequacy of your cooler...I highly recommend you pick up the Xigmatek Dark Knight while Newegg has it for $8 after coupon + rebate:
Xigmatek's rebates are apparently difficult to cash in on--but this thing outperforms a Hyper 212+, so there's no loss even if you didn't get the rebate at like $27 or so for the cooler. But your cooler may be just fine for an unlock. I have no temp issues with the unlocked one and stock cooler I set up--but I can't guarantee everyone will have the same heat output.

Btw, random fps dips w/o settings impacting much is very indicative of a CPU bottleneck. We have now pretty conclusively confirmed that. BF3 has the post AA that presents almost zero performance penalty, btw--so what you're experiencing is normal.
I haven't actually found any useful threads that might serve as a guide. Many threads posted by people unsuccessful in unlocking their X2 cores though, heh.

Starting to learn cause and effect with this hardware, and I can see how my performance in BF3 is directly related to the CPU.

Downloaded HWMonitor and installed. Just right off the bat, it reads my core temps as both exactly 0°C/32°F, which I find odd.