[SOLVED] GTX 960 GPU 8 pin power supply issue

Apr 29, 2020
Hello, everyone. I'm new here and I'm not too experienced building PCs. I am trying to give life again to some old hardware I have, and I encountered an issue. I want to install a GTX 960 (EVGA) in my computer, but I realized my (newest and best) power supply unit does not have the 8 pin connector that the GPU comes with. It's a Thermaltake PP-450NL1NC and only has 6 pin, or 4 pins in a row. I've surfed a bit and found several answers to this but some were a bit contradictory, so I chose to ask specifically for the hardware I have. I wouldn't want to buy another PSU, since in fact this is quite old and I'm not trying to build a super PC. I would just want to use what I have. Is there any possibility to make this compatible? I saw that maybe I can plug in the 6 pin anyway, or 2 of the 4 pin in a row, or use an adapter. I really don't know. Any help or advice is appreciated.
Thank you all very much in advance, and stay safe.
adapters are pretty bad solution in every case posible,if you put a 6 pin cable in a gpu with 8 pin connectors there is a possibility you can fry it,so my advice is to buy a new psu.Try to choose a brand you trust and that is well review,dont go cheap on the psu because that can really damage your pc.Go for like a 450w 80+ certification one (or go with more wattage if you want)

Check this one out:https://www.newegg.com/corsair-cx-series-cx450-450w/p/N82E16817139201

You can choose whatever wattage you want,but i think 450W will be enough since you said you want to give life to your pc and some gaming.

Good luck :)
adapters are pretty bad solution in every case posible,if you put a 6 pin cable in a gpu with 8 pin connectors there is a possibility you can fry it,so my advice is to buy a new psu.Try to choose a brand you trust and that is well review,dont go cheap on the psu because that can really damage your pc.Go for like a 450w 80+ certification one (or go with more wattage if you want)

Check this one out:https://www.newegg.com/corsair-cx-series-cx450-450w/p/N82E16817139201

You can choose whatever wattage you want,but i think 450W will be enough since you said you want to give life to your pc and some gaming.

Good luck :)
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Reactions: King_V
Agreed - the PSU is a safety device, and is NOT something you want to cut corners on.

single-6-pin-to-single-8-pin adapters are a fire hazard. Likewise with molex-to-PCIe adapters.

Get a better PSU. And yes, even the "lowly" Corsair CX450 (2017 revision, with the 5 year warranty) will be good for the job.