andyisvenom :
sorry but if you think that dropping to 41 fps minimum on 1080p on a $650 dollar card made for 1440p and 4K is normal, ive got some bad news.
4k is out for 2 years now and here we have a brand new top of the line elite graphics card costing an arm and a leg and you are happy to reach 60fps while dropping to 41 fps at times @ 1080p.
We should boycott both amd and nvidia for producing these disappointing products.
You are completely missing the point here.
Would you rather the dev's of some of these games hide the highest end settings, and label some lower settings as "Ultra", never giving you the option to use them, or would you rather have the option to use them, letting you pick and choose a mix of settings?
Some dev's might hide the high end settings, but it does not give us any better performance to IQ, it just removes the ability to see the eye candy. Some people are going to turn up the eye candy and play without AA, as a solution. Others might turn down shadows and use some AA. They just gave you the option to do so, rather than take all the high end settings away, so you feel better about your PC.
And the minimum FPS of games is most often a result of the CPU, and its inability to handle the number of draw calls needed in an area. The minimum is not often about the GPU.
And to my preference? I'd prefer to have all the highest end settings available, and I'd choose which ones are more important to me, and turn down others, so I reach 75+ FPS 95% of the time. I'd like those settings because I might play the game again in a couple years after an upgrade. I might just mess with them to see just how impressive it looks with everything turned up, or I might even buy a 2nd 980ti and use them now with high FPS.
Someone else might not have the high FPS desires I do, and would play at 30 FPS with everything turned to max. These options are there because the dev's did not hide the settings.