GTX Titan Vs. GTX 780 (Ti, OC, Black, or w.e)

Nicholas Hanshaw

Apr 27, 2014
Simply put I will be:

GTX Titan Vs. GTX 780 (whatever version or kind)

Would I benefit from the Titan over the 780?
Which one will do these things BEST? (price is NOT a problem)

Gaming, (min 1080p 60-120fps) Recording, & Streaming
Drawing/Art/Rendering - AutoCAD, Inventor, Maya, 3Ds Max, Blender, Photoshop, Premiere, Flash, After Effects (probably some more I can't think of)
Music - FL Studio, Cockos Reaper, Native Instruments software (theres a lot)
As well as some programming eventually
Yeah, you would definitely benefit from a Titan Black when rendering and doing other workstation tasks. It has basically the same gaming performance as a 780 Ti, in addition to being much better at rendering.
Yeah, you would definitely benefit from a Titan Black when rendering and doing other workstation tasks. It has basically the same gaming performance as a 780 Ti, in addition to being much better at rendering.