[SOLVED] Guidance on GTX 1050 TI recommended overclock

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Jul 23, 2017
I am really curious to hear what fellow forum users have achieved or deem max overclock on their 1050 TI graphic cards. I am currently overclocking and I'd love to have some perspective or comparisons as i can't really find a lot of 1050 TI overclocked cards

I am also curious whether power limit has any effect on memory overclock being unstable? I have read it only affects core clock, is that true?
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Yo thanks a lot, I dont know how you fouind that, but i';ve been searching endlessly for that

I fail to understand the purpose of temp limit, when your GPU's temp are below the specified celcius...
Have I won the silicone lottery? I am currently on +1000 memory & +210 CORE clock.. I highly expected to see signs of crashing yet, but still hasn't happened. Im pushing it further n further in very small increments.

Power limit is also still at 100%, same for the voltage at stock

i think yeah bro.
i set on memory +1000 and in the core +220 for gta 5 and dont crash and to forza horizon 3 210. i think on gtx 1050ti (gigabyte 1 fan mini) is the max u can get


I got a stable
+20% vol
+212 clock
+1000memmory clock
@highest temp 57degrees celcius during heaven benchmark and got 73avg fps
currently my laptop (Dell Inspiron 7000) with a 1050ti is clocked at:
+250 on the core and
+1000 on the memory.

3DMark Firestrike score of 7246

seems these cards, in about any config, are great overclockers
Msi gtx 1050ti Gaming X
first try ,30 min after building the PC is:

Core Voltage : i didnt nott touch this setting
Power Limit : 125 %
Temp. limit : 97 C
Core Clock : + 150
Memory Clock : +1000 MHz

and it runs super cool, it does not reach 55°C with 40% fan speed or less, even at Full load with benchmarking and stressing. this twinfrozer cooling is unbelievable. i see PPL in youtube getting over 60°C with 80% fan speed but i got 55° max witth 30% fan speed.

I know this is an old posting but you should also mention for those clocks it is for the 1050 Ti model that has the additional 6 Pin connector which a lot of people just has the one that just runs the power off the PCIE slot on the motherboard which this would be the more stable and safe overclocking for people running that card and expect a high of 65°C which isn't that bad and which i usually get when playing games like Killing Floor 2 and Shadow Warrior 2.
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