[citation][nom]herroplease[/nom]stop bitching about gw1 its from 2004 read about gw2 before you cry[/citation]
im guessing that's directed at me, and i can forgive you because you obviously don't play games, otherwise you would know this... companies dont tend to go far away from what they know. look at most games, rpg, shooter, whatever, and look at companies that make one game, than make a completely different game in the same genre, almost all the time, the games are similar, borrow aspects from earlier games and so forth...
the main thing i hated about the first guild wars was after you hit level 20, the only reall way to upgrade your character was the retarded crafting system, you didnt find better weapons or armor, you gatherd material, in the stupidest shopping list you could possibly find... turttle shell, string, some dirt, a bandits foot... and magicly that combines into high level gear... get me metal that has to be worked into an object, and to add a magical property, get it enchanted, etched with runes, set stones in it with propertys, or even bathe it in blood of a magical creature...
what i fear is that going for a wide casual audience they will make the end game character advancement easy to get to, and have a stupid as hell crafting system to gear up... all i seen of the game so far points to a crap ton of fun... but a japanese/korean style craft system would kill all enjoyment for me.
[citation][nom]bacole08[/nom]I played GW1 since launch and have been waiting patiently for GW2. For all who didn't enjoy GW1, GW2 is almost a completely different game. I've played the demos and it truely is revolutionary.[/citation]
combat wise, yea i have seen those demos too... but i doubt that they showed off how you get equipment, and that is a major sticking point for me right now.
heres hoping for a strong solo game, as i tend to never make friends in online games... never understood why.