Hey guys! Back with another build question! This time its for a friend, whom is wanting to build a hackintosh, so i really hope you all can still help me out with this! Im sure she will want to install windows on it at a later date, but we can sort out that when we get there. Anyway, she is looking for a desktop that is going to be primarily gaming/internet, so I hope you all can throw some different builds at me! Thanks! 
Approximate Purchase Date:
March / April 2013
Budget Range:
~$850 (without the monitor/periphereals. also, please leave the graphics card as the least important piece, as we may plan to at least get the pc together, and upgrade the graphics after cost)
System Usage from Most to Least Important:
gaming / photoshop / internet
Are you buying a monitor:
Parts to Upgrade:
everything (mac compatible)
Do you need to buy OS:
possibly (mac OS)
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Anywhere (pcpartpicker is always great)
Des Moines, IA
Parts Preferences:
Intel chipsets, dont really have much other preferences.
doesnt matter
SLI or Crossfire:
Your Monitor Resolution:
no preference
Additional Comments:
Biggest thing, as stated prior, is all parts will need to be mac compatible, ive found a list of parts on http://tonymacx86.blogspot.com/search/label/CustoMac but any other proven parts will be noted as well. We just want to squeeze as much performance for gaming out of this as possible.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading:
She owns a Macbook from 2009 that even has problems running Minecraft, and after getting the LCD replaced back in February, it has went out again, and Apple is screwing her over on having to replace either the LCD again and/or the logic board.
Include a list of any parts you have already selected with descriptively labeled links for parts. Please do not post only links.
no preference on parts, once again, biggest key is compatibility to build a hackintosh. If you can squeeze in a small SSD for the OS and a few programs, thats awesome, but an SSD is something we can always add in later as well.

Approximate Purchase Date:
March / April 2013
Budget Range:
~$850 (without the monitor/periphereals. also, please leave the graphics card as the least important piece, as we may plan to at least get the pc together, and upgrade the graphics after cost)
System Usage from Most to Least Important:
gaming / photoshop / internet
Are you buying a monitor:
Parts to Upgrade:
everything (mac compatible)
Do you need to buy OS:
possibly (mac OS)
Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
Anywhere (pcpartpicker is always great)
Des Moines, IA
Parts Preferences:
Intel chipsets, dont really have much other preferences.
doesnt matter
SLI or Crossfire:
Your Monitor Resolution:
no preference
Additional Comments:
Biggest thing, as stated prior, is all parts will need to be mac compatible, ive found a list of parts on http://tonymacx86.blogspot.com/search/label/CustoMac but any other proven parts will be noted as well. We just want to squeeze as much performance for gaming out of this as possible.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading:
She owns a Macbook from 2009 that even has problems running Minecraft, and after getting the LCD replaced back in February, it has went out again, and Apple is screwing her over on having to replace either the LCD again and/or the logic board.
Include a list of any parts you have already selected with descriptively labeled links for parts. Please do not post only links.
no preference on parts, once again, biggest key is compatibility to build a hackintosh. If you can squeeze in a small SSD for the OS and a few programs, thats awesome, but an SSD is something we can always add in later as well.