Hello, I did not expect to be posting to this forum or any forum however I have encountered some unfortunate circumstances. Recently my Toshiba DT01ACA200 2TB drive got the click of death. I ordered another drive of the same model only a year newer. 2016 vs 2017. I replaced my read write head thinking it was the problem as most posts on these Toshiba drives say the head goes first. Inside looks perfect with minimal particles. After installing the new head from the 2017 model It booted once and then I turned the pc off, after I turned to pc back on with another drive to emergency transfer the 2016 drive info off of. Started doing a different clicking. I went to my second option the motherboard having a fault. After swapping motherboards windows 10 told me via disk management that I needed to initialize my disk. I did not do that and went on researching and ended up with the BIOS chip needing to be swapped. I figured after watching a number of videos that it seemed easy enough. I don't know what happened and it doesn't matter the deed is sadly done. While trying to desolder the old chip off the board it broke the corner off the chip and now I am in trouble. (Chips Toast🙁) So the drive works but windows want to wipe the disk because I am guessing firmware is not matching. My question now is there any and I mean any way of wiping the new chips BIOS or installing something or coding to get my info off the physical platters. I looked the numbers up and it looks like I can buy new chips but will they have the right info to work in correlation with whatever is on the disk. I am assuming the disconnect is the disk has one firmware coding deal while the chip has another. To refresh I have the old platters with a (Paired) new read write head and motherboard from the 2017 model in the 2016 model. I heard that you can send the platters off and companies can bypass firmware and transfer data right off them with special machines?