Question Hard drive showing 0gb out of 0gb but when plugged in to working computer shows 522gb

Aug 22, 2020
Hi. I recently got a computer to fix up for my dad but the Hard drive was damaged so I bought a used hard drive off ebay (from a trusted seller that deals in used computer parts) and planned on doing an install of Windows 10. I installed the hard drive and began the windows install process but when it came time to select the drive it said 0gb of 0gb available. I put the hard drive into my main computer, and went to disk management but the disk doesnt show up there (neither does unassigned space which is there for new drives].

I've never used a used HDD before so if anyone knows whats going on I would appreciate the help.
so which one is the working computer show 522 gb?

This was my mistake I misread what was in Disk manager, I read 522mb which is the recovery partition and confused it with 522gb and assumed it was from the HDD.

The HDD is actually completely unreadable on my main computer, I've tried different SATA cables and slots so its not that either.

I can only imagine its a faulty HDD tbh but as I said I've always used new Hard drives so I dont know if used is any different and what I would need to do differently if so.