Build Advice Having multiple problems with my first-time build

Jul 17, 2019
One of the first problems I encountered was that when I had everything set up i turned on my power via the power supply and my motherboard and graphics card lit up but my case fabd fans were not spinning, and I might also need help identifying wich wire from the front panel goes where. I am also unsure if my radiator was running 😂😂 first time building so bear with me lol
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If you just turn on the switch on your power supply, the fans won't come on because the computer hasn't been turned on yet. The motherboard lights might come on, but the board is in standby at that point.

You need to turn it on via the front switch once you have the front-panel cables connected to the motherboard. Your motherboard manual should show which cables go where.
If you just turn on the switch on your power supply, the fans won't come on because the computer hasn't been turned on yet. The motherboard lights might come on, but the board is in standby at that point.

You need to turn it on via the front switch once you have the front-panel cables connected to the motherboard. Your motherboard manual should show which cables go where.
If you just turn on the switch on your power supply, the fans won't come on because the computer hasn't been turned on yet. The motherboard lights might come on, but the board is in standby at that point.

You need to turn it on via the front switch once you have the front-panel cables connected to the motherboard. Your motherboard manual should show which cables go where.
Alright so I have fixed my fan issue, and everything the only problem now is my grpahics card. I'll turn on the front panel and everything will whir to life including my graphics card. But after 1 second all lights on the GPU will shut off including fans. And i will get no connecting to my monitor. I tried on board graphics and i still could not get a signal