[SOLVED] Having trouble choosing C2Q Q6600 or Q8200


Jul 9, 2019
Hello people from internet. Yesterday, my friend wanted to buy a new CPU for his old LGA775 build. He asked me If I would come with him to go and see some processor which his neighbour is selling. Long story short, the only LGA 775 processor which he was sellong was Q6600(which he was selling for 6 dollars) and Q8200(which he was selling for 5 dollars). Both are cheap but though to choose. He currently only uses PC for MS Word and Exceel, but sometimes he likes to play some older games like Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty MW2. Also, he only has stock intel cooler but he is willing to buy aftermarket one. So, my question is, which one to choose? They are both very simillar.

P.S He is not really into over clocking, but if needed, he would definetly over clock his CPU somewhere in future.
Does the motherboard support both processors? If not, that makes the choice pretty easy. Just because they're the same socket (LGA775) doesn't mean they're supported by the motherboard.

-Wolf sends
Sorry for late reply( I was at work so I couldnt reply back). His mobo does support both of these CPUs, heck even those Core 2 Extreme's.
Yeah. If the Q8200 is supported, go that route.

-Wolf sends

Well, we already choosed to go with Q6600. People say that its better for OC-ing. Plus, some people say that some games take adventages of having more cache(Q6600 has 8MB L2 while Q8200 has 4Mb L2). Overall for now he is very pleased. Eventually somewhere in distant future,hes gonna buy some branded PC such as those Dell Optiplex'es from aroudn 2010-2012(the ones which have second gen i5s and i7s). Still, thanks for all replys. The thread will be closed.